Something is Wrong

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"Don't do this, " Sam pleaded as he was being dragged down the dark hallway.

"Shut it, nerd, " Lucifer said and slapped Sam.

They were heading towards the school basement. There were many rumors of what was down there but really, no one really knows if it's a normal school basement or something more.

Lucifer and his friends were dragging the well known Sam Winchester down there every night since they found out his secret about being scared of the dark.

"Exposure therapy will help you, Sam, " Crowley said and smiled at the struggling boy. Sam wanted to scream but he couldn't. He couldn't scream anymore. After that thing touched him, he wasn't the same. He was like food to it.

"You'll be better after you get over your fear, you know that, " Ruby cooed and smiled evilly at the boy.

They walked down the stairs and shoved Sam into an old room that was filled with papers and old documents. They locked the door and left quickly, acting like they just didn't leave a scared vulnerable boy in a dark room.

Then the monster slowly crawled over to Sam. He felt his skin being burned and shirt slowly being taken off. He screamed in pain as it started dragging its long fingernails over his skin.

He didn't know what it looked like but all he understood that it looked like a human but tall and had bones sticking out all over the place.

Sam cried and tried to push the thing off of him. It was going to do something different and he had a rough idea of what it was going to do.

He cried and screamed for what felt like hours. It got angry and dragged Sam farther into the darkness.

"So..." It spoke. It's voice rough like it just smoked a bunch of cigarettes or was recently sick. "No one is here to save you, Sam, " it smiled and traced its fingers along his face. Sam cried harder as its fingers reached his pants.

--This is where things get graphic-

"Please don't do this, " Sam choked out and tried moving but failed.

It pulled down his pants slowly and started touching his inner thighs slowly. Sam screamed and started thrashing around when the thing bit him.

"You're a monster, " he spat out and tried moving his limp body, but failed when he was smacked in the face.

Blood started dripping down his face and other areas. Sam then realized that he was completely naked in front of the thing.

It entered him and he yelled out in pain. Sam felt like his body was on fire. The thing moved fast and wouldn't be stopping anytime soon.

Sam was blinded with pain. He couldn't tell what was going on anymore so he just, gave up essentially. Since it showed no signs of stopping, this went on for hours. That is until the door opened.

-End of violence and horrid acts-

The boy that entered was shocked at what was playing out in front of him. Sam could now see that it was a sickly skinny, full-grown man that has been doing this for weeks. It dropped Sam on the ground along with the rest of his dignity. Sam curled up in a ball as the man pushed past the boy and ran into the darkness of the basement.

"Oh my God, " he spoke and ran towards Sam. Sam was crying and pleaded the other for him not to do the same. "Shh... Calm down, please, I won't touch you, " the boy said softly and dug through his backpack. He pulled out a large blanket and helped Sam up. He made sure it was wrapped around him multiple times before Sam was lifted by the short but strong male. Sam cried into the boy's neck. He couldn't stop crying.

The door opened again and was met with gasps. The short boy turned around with Sam in his arms.

"Gabriel? What the hell are you doing with that nerd?" Lucifer asked, completely oblivious.

"Get the fuck out of my way or else you'll end up like this, " Gabriel growled and pushed his brother out of the way, not wanting to deal with his shit. "And call the damn police, "

Lucifer watched as his brother carried the small teen in his arms. He was shaking and crying in Gabriels grasp, repeating words that he couldn't understand.

Gabriel walked out into the busy hallway, getting concerned looks and ones full of fear for what happened to the boy in Gabriel's arms.

Gabriel walked into the front office and told them to call the police immediately. They nodded quickly and did as they were told. After that, they asked him why even though they obviously saw the broken boy in front of them.

"Oh I don't know, it can't be because I walked in on Sam being raped by a full grown man!" He replied and their eyes filled with fear.

Not just for them, but for their students.

They heard screaming and yelling, words like, "call the damn police, " and "monster, " Gabriel frowned, seeing as his brother and friends found out what was down there.

After a few minutes, police had entered the building, searching all the floors, including the basement.

They had taken Sam to do tests and various other things.

Thank the gods Sam was gone when they escorted the rapist down the hallway to the front door. Everyone looked at the man in disgust and hatred.

After the school day was over, Gabriel left for the hospital to see Sam with his brother, Dean.

"Thank you for finding him, " Dean said over and over again.

They had been at the hospital for a few hours, even though Sam wouldn't talk to them, they still tried to.

Dean explained that he had to leave and pick up his mother and father. Gabriel said he would stay with Sam.

After a few minutes of silence, Gabriel spoke up. "Why didn't you tell anyone, Sam?"

To be honest, Gabriel has always had a crush on the boy in the hospital bed.

"We could have prevented this, " Gabriel said quietly and held onto Sams hand.

Gabriel kept visiting Sam even after he was let out of the hospital. Sam wouldn't talk but Gabriel still talked to him even though he wouldn't get a response.

It had been a few months after the first "I love you," was spoken.

And then a few years later before "I love you too, " was said.

Hey guys, how are you? Anyway, I need help. Does anyone have any advice on how to make my writing feel less boring? I don't want to bore you guys to death so if any of you have some tips, that would be lovely if you shared them! Have a wonderful day/night and don't get possessed by demons, love you all 3000!

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