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Beating, pounding and the rattling of your heart in your chest was extreme. Your head couldn't decipher what was left or right any more all you knew is that you needed to reach Namjoon as soon as possible but as you reached the last door way, the most hurtful. The most sudden and mind blowing pain shot through you like a bullet in the dark.

Little did you know that is exactly what it was.

"Y/n!!" Screams out Annie as you hear here clips and clips of her heels race towards you, your form turning around as your hand moves to clutch onto your heart pulling violently the material that was covering it as you began to loose your senses one by one.

Your feeling in your legs going, you hearing completely shattering the calls of Annie fading away as if your sailing away, the loud footsteps of the soulmate team crashing their way too you as Annie catches you into her arms as if I'm slow motion your eye sight begins to flicker, confusing you as you try to look clearer, Annie's faces soon fading into jimins and the lights of the stage blinding you.
It was then when it hit you.
Namjoon was hurt, badly hurt.

And with that the soft exhales and inhaled of your own breathes filled their air and soon all senses faded away like leaves blowing in the wind and tiny snowflakes travelling the air.

"Jimin..." Namjoon slowly croaks our and he clutches onto his dear close friends hand, "please...look after everyone...and make sure to protect Annie with everything you have got. Even if it means the very end." He stumbles out on his words jimins poor teary eyes as the soulmate team begin to push namjoons now paralysed body into the ambulance his bed lining up with someone else's.

As his eyes traveled over to the bed beside him. What he saw broke his heart, a huge pang in his chest awakening in his ears. "Y/n..." he mumbles as his hand reaches over to hold your pale one with little to no pulse.

"Namjoon! Please hold on, if you hold on you will both survive! Please do not give up now keep talking." A nirse begins to shout into his ears as he softly smiles at how he can be with you even in the darkest of times.

"I love her you know.." Namjoon breathes as his thumb brushes over the soft skin of your hand.

"I wanted to get married after our tour...go on holiday and treat her like no other man would..." he chokes the shimmer of newly created tears resting on his eyes, "she was so...so strong for me...for us...I loved her energy, her bright smile," he laughs a little, "I absolutely loved how sarcastic she could get."

Soon the beds begin to be torn away from the ambulance and now pushed into hospital into the cleanest and most important hospital.

Soulmate head quarters.

Breaking news : BTS leader Kim Namjoon has been shot at their world tour. His soulmate Y/n L/n is still holding on to dear life as they battle through this tough time together.

Most used hashtag today : #savejoonandy/n

New news : it has been reported today at 8:44 pm The shooter of Kim Namjoon is still loose so police and soulmate teams advise to stay inside.

Big hit officials say that the leader of the world famous k-pop group BTS Kim Namjoon and his soulmate are currently under close protection and attention of the soulmate head quarters and top doctors to help assist with the shootings more news soon.

Hoseok sighed deeply as he waited with his head in his hands and Aileen softly rubbing his back as they both sit outside of the head quarters breathing in the clean air and cold wind.

"You know Hoseok...Annie told me that y/n read something on the Internet...about second bonding." Aileen softly speaks out trying to draw Hoseok a worried mind from the trauma that awaits.

"I've heard about that..." Hoseok hums as he leans back in the chair flailing out like a flat balloon.

"Do you believe in it?" Aileen ask's hols hind her hands together tightly.

"Yes, because I met you." He smiles brightly before placing his warm hand over hers. "I believe that you are my second bond. If you aren't well I definitely want you to be." He jokes causing Aileen to chuckle before pulling him into a deep hug.

Hoseok arms wrap around her however his eyes soon meet a shadowy figure running along the streets, know exactly who it was.

It was Nancy.

Without any hesitation Hoseok leapt up and left Aileen beginning to chase Nancy, soon catching up with her and tackling her to the floor the police not to far behind.

"Aww the poor lonely one came to save the day?" Nancy sickly smirks as she begins to accept her actions consequences.

"I'm not poor." Hoseok firmly stays.

"I'm not lonely."

"And I most definitely am saving the flipping day you slim puckering not good for anything slug." He smirks, "I learnt that from the one and only y/n." He proudly says as he watches the police cuff her hands and soon tuck her into the police car thanking him for his hard work.

Hoseok was puffed up with pride and as he felt the arms of Aileen cling around his waist they both headed back slowly to the head quarters to wait the most dreadful and draining wait of their lives.

Breaking news : no updates on the life of Kim Namjoon of BTS yet however the Shooter has been caught and is now undergoing law suit.

Smells of cleaning products and the smells of lavander fields filled the atmosphere, tweets of the black bird from the window and the scrumptious mouth watering smell of the freshly cooked food filled the air as the sounds of soft breaths and pure peacefulness filled your senses.

Finally taking in a fresh breath of air.


Ola I am back

Enjoy the chapter the last on it next!

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