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— Namjoon pov —

"Hey Namjoon, do you think this is toothpaste?" Hoseok ask's as he struts out off the bathroom, tooth brush already in his mouth and the said toothpaste in his hands.

You chuckle before reading it, "it doesn't say but does it taste like it?" I question before he nods eagerly and walking back into the bathroom.

"Hey joon, you looked a little flustered when those waitresses came over, where you feeling alright?" Hoseoks voice echoes out from the bathroom as I sigh and shrug.

"I...I don't know Hoseok," I breathe out before lying back onto my bed staring up at the ceiling.

"Hey," Hoseok pushes again another question making me begin to get a little agitated as I was exhausted from the day we just had.

"What was the name of our soulmate again?" He asks and he plops down onto his bed putting away his toothbrush.

I paused.

"Y/n.." I breathed before knitting my eye brows together.

"Why are you asking?" I inquired, raising a brow glancing at him as he sits on his bed smiling.

"Well, what was the name of the waitress who served us? Did you not notice her name tag?" Hoseok grins cheekily, like as if he knows something that I don't.

I crossed my eye brows together before trying to picture that perfect angel who served us, with realisation I leaped to my feet before gasping loudly.

"Y/n!!!" I bellowed out making Hoseok grins cheekily and laugh his ass off at my realisation, but I gulped deeply, "WHAT IF IT WASNT HER?!" I shout.

Hoseok just giggles and shrugs, " I would never know how it feels, I never got a chance to feel what it's like to meet my soulmate." He sighs hanging his head low.

I felt like he shot an arrow through me as I just felt guilty and depressed for him, "Hoseok I'm sorry.."

"Sorry for what?" He chuckles lightly, "it's no ones fault, not mine not yours," He grins, "I shouldn't be sad, it's not part of my personality" he jokes before getting into his covers.

I nod slowly still feeling depressed for him, but in the back of my mind I was shouting and screaming thinking that I may have met my soulmate...

I don't think I would be able to concentrate if I saw her at the concert...but I know I mustn't do anything rash..

Oh I just hope she doesn't get beat up while I'm in-front of everyone...I don't know what I would do if she did.

My mind was filled with chaos and worries, I imagined so many horrible things of falling on stage because I felt a whack in my stomach, or I even worried I fell on stage and hurt her!

I was twiddling my thumbs as I laid back onto my bed staring up to the ceiling, I couldn't sleep, not after meeting her...maybe...

I can't handle this, I need to find her, I'll go back to that restaurant in the afternoon in our break and try and see if I can meet her..she won't be hurt when she's with me..

"Go to sleep joon." I hear Hoseok sleepily groan before I nod and try to rest my mind.

But I didn't.

My mind was so wound up I didn't even notice the small songs that played in my head.

She was listening to our music again...

It's funny because she keeps playing this song a lot. I wonder if it's her favourite...

It was lost. Maybe it meant something to her? What has she lost?

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