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You tiredly stumble into your home before being greeted with the sweet smell of lemon drizzle cake and sugar cookies shoot through your nose, you smile warmly before hooking your bag onto the  coat hanger by the front door and shoving your hands into the pockets of your hoodie.

"I'm back mum!" You sing before strolling into the kitchen, smiling lovingly at your mum who pours a cup of tea. "Welcome back sweets," she replies.

"How was college? Did you hear anymore songs from your special number one?" She cheekily ask's before you just nod, "he played my favourite song again! He such a sweetheart." You smile before grabbing a cookie.

"I'm going to have a bath mum I'll tell you all about it when I come down." You smile before shoving the cookie into your mouth and dash upstairs.

Your mum thinks you have the greatest time at college and in fact you do, minus the bullying, your day's are all good! And that's what's important. This won't last forever.

You take your phone from under your pillow and tug in your ear phones, pressing play on the special playlist that is a mix of his favourite songs and yours, thankfully yours came on first as you run the hot tap of the bath.

Throwing in a colourful bath bomb to make the plain clear waters sparkle with pinks and blues and shimmer with little glitters.

You giggle when you hear him try to sing the high notes of Beyoncé but turn it off so you could listen to his 'graceful' voice, that is until it stops.

Snickering you just close everything off and slip into your relaxing bath.

You feel a bit weird for a while as you get a weird feeling your being listened to as you just hear his 'terrific' singing, however you shake the thought from your head and try to relax.

You glance at the huge purple bruise on your torso that disguises your glowing skin, slowly taxing your fingers over it and sadly sighing before shoving all the bath bubbles over yourself.

"I hope your lover dies from how ugly you are." Her horrible words just swamp over you as you just reminiscent on her words and insults from over the years.

Your mind travelling back to the day where it all began, your 16th birthday, you Remember it like it was yesterday hearing his soft vocals softly rap you smile to yourself as you hum along to his song. Throughout the whole day, all the way through the hallways and in every second of your classes.

That was until your last class where your friends said their good byes and congratulations before going to their classes. That was the last time you ever would get to speak to them before you were violently pulled into and classroom and soon a pain brushed across your cheek making you scream out in terror.

Shaking your head you quickly get out the bath before tears escape your eyes, wrapping a fluffy towel around yourself and soon getting into your favourite pyjamas, you favourite pyjamas were a present from your father before he moved to a different country to work - South Korea to be exact - these pyjamas had little koalas all over them and were insanely fluffy as they hugged your body tight.

You slump down to the kitchen as you meet your mum at the dinner table just dishing up the lovely smell of waffles and beans.

"So! Sweetie! Tell me about your mr.music Hm?" Your mother teases as her brown orbs form into little crescent moons as she smiles and sits next to you giving you your plate.

"Well, in the middle of class I began to hear his playlist in my head it was very cool he listened to September by earth wind and fire again though, it's like that song is stuck in my head constantly!" You chirp out not letting your mum have a single hint about your real school life.

You sometimes feel a little guilty about keeping it from your mum, but if she found out, you wouldn't know how to explain..plus you only have a few months left! So what's the point of bothering to sort it out when your probably never going to see her again.

That's what you hope.

"Oh honey! I'm so happy for you! Have you tried using songs to communicate with him yet?" She excitedly asks, slurping on her cup of tea.

"Um...no not really I just know he likes a few songs.." you reply before munching on the potato waffle.

"Me and your father communicated through songs, in-fact everyone does, it's the easiest way in my opinion!" She smiles at you before begging to ramble on about her and your father's wonderful memories.

"I want to communicate through a different way mum..." you mumble, which makes her stop and raise a brow at you.

"That's impossible...unless..." she pauses before you could literally see the joy fill in her. "HAVE YOU MET HIM?" She squeals.

"N-no..." you spit out before putting your palate in the sink, "thanks mum but I need to do my home work so I won't be joining you and dad in the video call." You inform, your stomach starting to turn as you feel uncomfortable speaking about your soulmate.

"Oh...okay dear! Come down whenever you want alright? Good job!" She encourages you as you dash up the stairs and whacking open your door before jumping onto your bed and grabbing your phone eagerly from the side and flipping on your soulmates favourite band - well the one he listens to most - bts.

You smile as your now favourite song comes straight on and you flip open your Mac book before beginning to write up your college work.

You didn't know why your soul mate liked this band you didn't understand the words for a while until your father taught you little bits, just enough to hold a conversation that is.

It was handy as you could get the full value of your soulmates favourite band and also recognise some of the words he might rap little by little.

But you never heard him rap to these specific songs for some reason, you wish you did though.

After what seemed like 30 years your close down your laptop after saving your word twice and now switching the music to something relaxing such as classical music. You calmly lay down and look up to your ceiling smiling to yourself as you rub the small purple patch on your stomach which has now died down since your soulmate has been helpful and helped it too.

Sleep finally taking over you, as you try to think about what your amazing soulmate might look like.


Chapter two!

I'm going to start involving more people now that you e got the basic idea of life!

Hope your enjoying it so far!

See you soon!

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