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"Ok bts tomorrow is another concert, then later that day we're flying again to the next destination get lots of rest today!" Their manager calls out from the front of the van and the guys only nod or him in response as if they've heard it a thousand times before.

You only hold Namjoons hand softly before he smiles at you, "I'll go in first and then in the lobby we can be together again alright?" He smiles before slipping a mask on your face his warm hands brushing over your ears.

He pulls away his dimples showing brightly before he hops out the van along with the rest of the boys, leaving you and Annie to just wait a little before actually going in.

This was so that no photos were taken of you and Annie, as both Jimin and Namjoon wanted to wait a little before revealing their soulmates, Yoongi was slightly annoyed that Namjoon and Jimin disagreed however you didn't have a preference in fact, a part of you wanted to be public.

However the big par of you shot up many warning signs before actually getting to say something or your opinion in the matter, not that it mattered anyways..

"Hey! Y/n come on. It's time we should get in now," Annie grins before her small form shots out the door and you follow swiftly into the hotel however a tight grip on your left arm hooks you away from Annie and you begin to feel prickles and spikes on your skin.

An echoing scream is let out from your mouth and your quiet voice is sounded out your eyes shut tightly your limbs freezing up and you began to only think. The worst.

She's back! She's back to hurt Namjoon! You grit your teeth before feeling another pain in your side and then nothing.

— Namjoon pov —

Annie skips her way in but my eyes only focused on what happened behind her, "where's y/n."

I stride towards her before her smile fades away immediately, "she was right behind me...!" Annie squeals before she turns around.

Worry filled within me before I began to feel lots of prickles and pain in my arm, "outside she's outside." My legs took me straight away but another arm held me back, my eyes darting to whomever withheld me.

"Hoseok let go!"

"No Namjoon it's too dangerous." Hoseoks voice deep and honestly scary his eyes shaped like snakes and pierce into my own.

I nod slowly before feeling another ache in my side and soon I grew very hot and warm, my head moved back towards the door and before I knew it, my feet raced towards y/n who was held up by another girl.

"Y/n!" I rush over and take her from the strange girl, I Thank her before holding y/n up in my arms.

"Are you alright?" I tilt my head in question waiting for a reply, y/n nods her head before giving me an adorable smile, "Mina here helped me out of the bush I fell into."

I couldn't help but let a giggle escape my lips, "You clumsy thing, come here," I tug y/n into my arms before a tap on my shoulder breaks me from reality.

Yoongi stood beside me before his eyes meet with the other girl infront of us.

I watched my friend carefully how his eyes widened and his cheeks bloomed with red and his lips rugged into a smile, how his hands went in and out of little fists and how his foot tapped the floor.

"Hi, I'm Mina but you can call me your girlfriend. Min Yoongi." She smirks before holding her hand out towards him. I just stared as he grabbed her hand and yanked her into his arms the brightest gummy smile on his face in have ever seen in the eight years we have known each other, I could not help but smile at the sight.

His soulmate!

However my attention was then brought back to how worried I was, "are you okay y/n? Are you sure your okay? It felt like a pretty bad fall,." I spoke softly trying not to startle her.

She only nods and smiles in return before clapping her hands together, "so! Shall we find our rooms?" She smiles warmly but I could tell she had something on her mind, it ashame I don't get to know what she's thinking...I only get to feel her pain.

— your pov —

You felt sick, terribly sick.

You knew you didn't fall. You got pulled, you began to shake with worry as you stumbled into your hotel room, your away from home, your mother is probably worried sick about you and you had this truly awful butterfly's in your stomach but they weren't like butterflies more like moths, trying to find an escape way towards the light.

You felt utterly uncomfortable, you felt hot, dizzy and drained from all energy you had within you.

You just plop yourself onto the bed before staring up at the eggshell white ceiling, your eyes boring into his soft texture, soft breathes escaped your lips are you began to close your eyes to try and take your mind of the uncomfortable feeling of the moths going blazing in your stomach.

This didn't sit right at all, your brows knitting together you decided you sit up glancing around your room, there was your average tv and lounging area and the door towards the bathroom, some little delicate trinkets and some free biscuits. With out hesitation you dove towards those biscuits scoffing them down like it was the only meal you had that day.

A disturbance at the door broke you from your munching and you rushed over peeping into the spying glass in the door, there stood someone you never wanted to see again. The person he said he would protect your from.

Her hair greasy and matted as if she ran straight through a bush and back, her devil eyes glaring right into the spying glass sending the tingles down towards your spine, her pale skin was unsightly as you dropped your biscuits in fear. She was back.

Nancy was here.


OK SO HOPEFULLY INWILL GET BACK ON TRACK, You see the problem is I haven't been on Wattpad recently at all, it's all been forgotten so I need to keep track of things and everything so Thankyou!

I hoe to see you soon teapots!!!

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