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"Ugh do you really think this is helpful Jimin!" Annie screams as she tried to wriggle out of Jimins embrace.

"Of course it is! I'm going to miss you while I'm on stage!" Jimin replies as he showers Annie with kisses before letting go. "I'm going to do my best for army!" He grins.

Annie chuckles and pats his chest in response, "you always do more than your best for army." She smiles kindly at him.

On the other hand your sat quietly on a sofa watching the couples act around each other Annie and Jimin are like two best friends who squabble as a joke, Mina and yoongi are the complete different as they act like newly weds and plan on stick together like glue.

You then consider how yours and Namjoons relationship fits in, what kind of relationship is it? Your not that close yet you should be? Your soulmates. You and him don't squabble together like Jimin and Annie...nor do you cuddle and compliment each other like Yoongi and Mina. So what do you do?

You slump back in the chair as you wait for Namjoon to finish his hair and make up, he is 'jimin' today as he and you both woke up late from the terrors of the night before stole all your sleep.

Once the company found out they released more guards and you could soon see that the fans were gaining suspicions over the mass of guards that suddenly turned up. You felt the sofa next to you sink drawing your eyes to the girl who sat next to you.

"Y/n, please don't focus on last night. We have people and the police searching for her, she will be found." Aileen comforted as she rubbed your back and fondly smiles at you.

Hoseok soon trots over with a tray filled with drinks, handing Aileen a steaming coffee and then you with a hot cup of coffee patterns swirling in the top of the cup.

"Thank you Hoseok."

"No problem!"

Watching again your eyes landed on Namjoon and your brain continues to work out the puzzle of your relationship.

Aileen eyes Hoseok as they both slide a worried glance to each other.

"Have you considered going public y/n..?" Aileen interrupts your thoughts her eyes widening as she speaks scorching up closer to you on the leather sofa.

You shake your head, "going public? As in making an announcement we're together?" You question the obvious before Namjoon finally strokes over only to have an angry face develop as he hears your conversation.

"No we are not going public." He insists before sitting down next to you and taking your hand in his immediately.

"But it would be good!" Hoseok buts in.

"There aren't enough couples. I don't want to go public unless another couple is." Namjoon scowls at Hoseok his grip on your hand getting tighter.

"There's enough couples!" Aileen insists.

"No no there's not, there's only three couples! The majority is four, I'm positive something bad will happen if we let the world know about our soulmates." Namjoons anger wells up within him as your thumb rubs the back of his hand to calm him.

That's when it clicked, he is your soulmate, he is irreplaceable to you and you are irreplaceable to him, no wonder he's so protective and angry in this moment..

"Fine! Me and Aileen will pretend to be a couple, at least yours will be real I'm not going to get a second shot at being in love! My soulmate died of you don't remember!" Hoseok screams as his whole body puffs up and his eyes burn into Namjoons ones.

Aileen eyes soften at hoseoks words, "Hoseok are you sure you want to fake a relationship..?" Aileen question's before Namjoon sighs.

"Yes, if it will help out y/n and save her from that horrible rat. Then I am positive I want to fake an relationship." Hoseok formally speaks a smirk forming on His lips.

Namjoons hand only grew tighter around your hand so much so you could feel the worry that filled him and the fear soon passed through to you.

With courage you tugged on his hand and faced him, "I am happy to let the world know your mine, after all, we are made for each other and I plan on spending every minute of my life with you." Your cheeks flush red from the shyness that fills you, averting your eyes from his wide and surprised ones.

A small cheeky grin forming on his lips before he tugs you into the warmest and most refreshing embrace. "Are you sure...?" He whispers gently into your ear a hint of concern lacing his voice.

You nod into his chest pulling tightly on the back of his shirt, "I am positive I want to do this." You began to regain the hidden personality you had, a smirk played on your lip as you hid your face in his chest.

Confidence and power will soon pour out of you, but you never really knew when that might happen. So pulling away from Namjoons embrace you cheekily smiles at him before turning to the others, "right. Shall we go public then?" You ask authority filling in you.

Hoseok smiles brightly and nods excitedly as he rushes to grab his phone texting immediately their manager about the huge update.

Bts were going public with their unknown soulmates, you were scared. Yes. But having the reassurance that the Kim Namjoon who promised to protect you and be with you, is yours and your only soulmate. You looked carefully at him, taking the given time to analyse his perfect and unique features of his face. How his nose and cheeks look insanely squishable and how he shoves his hands in his huge trouser pockets. His little excited smile he pulls whenever he finds something cute or delicate.

But you couldn't keep your mind off how he always looks at you with such love and pride, as if he is proud to call you his soulmate and the arm wrapped around your waist only made you feel stronger, you are not alone in this battle.

But you have an army getting ready to support right behind you.



I haven't updated in a long time however I've been having a lot of trouble with finishing writing some chapters as I'm running out of a few ideas. So can you all be so kind and suggest what you would like to happen in this book?

It's can vary, but please keep its pg13, if not then it ain't my cup of tea hun.

Thank you my teapots! Love you! And happy one year anniversary on Wattpad!

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