Epilogue Part One

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Albus and Scorpius finished the second term at Hogwarts and later successfully finished their seventh year. Scorpius took six N.E.W.Ts and passed all of them outstandingly while Albus took three and passed two. He got a good tip-off from Hagrid and smiled as he left the exam room for the Care of Magical Creatures N.E.W.T.

James had officially moved in with Teddy in his apartment and invited Albus and Scorpius over often, though they usually didn't go over.

The summer after the two turned nineteen, Scorpius was the first to get a car. Albus was still living with Harry and Ginny, the three of them getting along a little better, when Scorpius drove his brand new sports car down the road, revving his engine loudly.

Albus heard the car driving from far away and found the noise somewhat relaxing. He didn't know that Scorpius had gotten his car, though.

He heard a knock on the front door from his room and heard his mother exclaim happily, "Scorpius! Would you like to come in?"

He heard, "Thank you, Mrs Potter."

Albus tousled his hair and rubbed his temples for a moment, listening to Scorpius talk to his mother about her nonsense. He panicked when he heard her say his name and practically ran out of his room.

"Once he fell ---"

Albus tripped over his leg and fell ungracefully down the stairs, landing on his backside. Scorpius bit back his laughter and Ginny finished, "--- down the stairs."

"Hey, Scorpius!" Albus said loudly, standing up and biting his pain down. He held onto the bannister and walked slowly towards Scorpius, who twirled a keychain on his forefinger with a smug, but cute, smirk.

"Guess who got a car?"

Albus squinted and said, putting his hand on his temple and making it sway back and forth, "Must be this tall to drive."

Scorpius smacked Albus' chest and said while Albus was laughing, "Shut up, "

Albus laughed harder when Scorpius threw his newsboy cap at him.

"Wanna ride?" Scorpius asked.

Albus pursed his lips, trying to hold his laughter back, and asked saucily, "Do you?"

Scorpius rolled his eyes and said, "I hope you don't mind, Mrs Potter."

Ginny waved her hand and replied, "Albus is old enough to leave without asking for permission. Hell, he doesn't even need to come home at night."

Scorpius smiled and motioned for Albus to follow him. Albus grabbed Scorpius' hand as he opened the front door and exclaimed, "Your father got you a Porsche for your first car?!"

The car was a dark grey, sleek and spotless. Scorpius nodded and added, "It's loud, too."

Albus rolled his eyes with a smile and opened the passenger door as Scorpius slid behind the wheel. He put his key in the ignition and revved the car up loudly.

"I heard you from down the street, " Albus said with a laugh.

Scorpius laughed and asked as he backed the car up, "Want some coffee?"

Albus said, "I'll pay."

Scorpius nodded in agreement and babbled, "Teddy invited us to a bar."


Scorpius answered, "In London. The Leaky Cauldron, " he smiled and added, "and he wanted to drive my car."

Albus shook his head but smiled. "Just don't let James drive. He might crash your new car."

Scorpius nodded and replied, "I thought he would."

After getting their coffee (Albus getting black coffee and Scorpius getting an iced coffee with extra Carmel) Scorpius made his way to Teddy's apartment.

"Father said that, if we wanted, we can have the country home that he inherited. Up north a bit."

Albus was silent for a moment before asking, "Wait. Did you just ask if I wanted to live with you?"

Scorpius thought for a moment before blushing deeply and saying sheepishly, "I mean..."

Albus smiled and said, "When do you want me to move in?"

Scorpius smiled and said, "He told me that he'd have some house-elves clean it, which can take about a day."

"His big is it?"

"Pretty small, but not too small. Three rooms, a kitchen, parlour, two bathrooms." Scorpius answered.

Albus said, "Can't wait."


Scorpius and Albus went into the backseat when they pulled into the apartment drive to get Teddy and James, Albus leaning forward and honking the horn, which was very loud. Scorpius grabbed his boyfriend's arm and giggled when Albus kissed his cheek, just like he did when he was sixteen.

"You two want a room?" they heard. Albus looked up and saw Teddy with a smirk and James with a smile.

"Shut up, Teddy, " Albus said.

James asked, "Have either of you been drunk?"

Scorpius and Albus shook their heads and Teddy laughed, "Guess we'll see who has more self-control. Jamie has none."

"I do, too."

Scorpius said, "I only like wine. And fire whiskey. Butterbeer too."

James turned around in the passenger seat and bit back a smile and placed a bet for Teddy. "I think Scorpius has no control. Five galleons, Teddy."

"I say it's Al, " Teddy disagreed. "You're on."

Scorpius threw his hands up and cried, "I'm not getting drunk!"

Albus, Teddy, and James roared with laughter as Scorpius turned red. The three eventually coaxed a chuckle out of him.

As Teddy drove, James would tell him to speed up or brake check people and Scorpius would say "No" and Albus would punch his brother's arm.

As they parked Scorpius' car in a parking garage and he cast a shrinking spell on the car, shrinking it to the size of a toy car and stuffing it into his pocket. They walked together, James and Albus occasionally getting stares from small children that were still with their parents or bows from witches and wizards.

The sun was setting, the air getting cooler by the second. Albus held Scorpius' hand and spoke to Teddy and James, who were holding hands too.

They walked into the Leaky Cauldron and drank, James drinking much more than Teddy and Scorpius. Albus surprised them all by drinking a lot. They ate while they drank and James and Albus started giggling after an hour and a half. Another half-hour later, James was leaning against Teddy and giggled quietly. Albus pulled at the neckline of Scorpius' collared shirt, kissing his neck softly and giggling.

Teddy told James, "You owe me five galleons."

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