Part Thirty-One: Jamie

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Albus questioned, "You were still with Victoire but also with James?"

Teddy nodded and explained, "Vicky and I had a fight and she left to her friend's house. James just so happened to come over just as Vicky was storming out and he was trying to ask what had happened, but Vicky ignored him and Disapparated. It was January and snowing, so I invited James inside. I was very...cautious."

Teddy's roots and tips turned dull yellow but quickly changed to dark green as he continued to an attentive Albus.

"I told him that Victoire and I were arguing about saying somebody else's name while I slept, " Teddy quickly added, "Not like a...wet dream, but it was James' name."

Albus cringed and Teddy chuckled nervously and blushed. The part of his hair that was changing colour flashed light red before resuming its dull yellow colour.

"I was obviously leaving that detail out because James was only eighteen, granted he's only nineteen now. I stood up and went to the cabinet and was getting some fire whiskey when he asked me, 'Teddy, have you ever felt weird around blokes?' I was shocked and almost dropped the bottle of whiskey.

"I asked him why he was asking me that and he answered that he was feeling very confused, " Teddy continued. "I was pouring glasses of the fire whiskey as he was telling me that he was interested in somebody he had known since he was little and a couple of years older than him. I felt very jealous all of a sudden and spilt the whiskey all over the counter and floor."

Albus snickered and so did Teddy, reminiscing on how funny it was now that he remembered how embarrassing it was at the time.

"He immediately jumped up and grabbed paper towels to help me clean it up. When we had finished cleaning up, I handed him his glass and we sat down on my couch. Jamie didn't drink for a while so I asked him if he wanted to get something to eat, but he laughed nervously and said that he was just having a very weird day.

"I didn't ask him what was happening because he took a big swig and started choking. I laughed for a minute before leaning forward to catch my breath, James still dying, but he tried coming up and hit my face with the back of his head."

Albus roared with laughter as Teddy tried to hold his all in. His roots and tips changed to pink, a drastic change from the dingy yellow it was.

"It didn't hurt that bad, but I groaned and put my hands over my face, acting like I was 'hurt' pretty badly, " Teddy put up air quotes when he said 'hurt' and chuckled. "He felt so bad afterwards that he 'hurt' me that he kept saying, 'Teddy, take your hands off your face so that I can see!' I didn't and he actually started to tear up, so I put my face on his shoulder and groaned, ' face' and he..." Teddy paused and glanced over at Albus, who was listening intently with wide eyes.

"What happened?"

Teddy continued, "James said that he was sorry and tried to grab my wrists to uncover my face. I got the brilliant idea to fuck with his head and made it to where my nose looked broken or at least red and swollen, " he paused and pointed to his nose, which he made look crooked and bright red and a blotchy purple around the edges.

"Wow, " Albus beamed. "It really does look like you broke your nose."

Teddy smiled, very proud of himself. He made it so that his nose was back to normal and Albus felt a surge of appreciative jealously that Teddy is such a gifted metamorphmagus.

"Did he freak out? Did he scream?" Albus babbled. Only siblings could be that cruel to each other. It was a sibling bond.

Teddy nodded and told Albus, "He turned so pale that I could try to copy him and still not be pale enough. He started to hyperventilate and I had to fight back my laughter so hard that I had tears in my eyes. I asked in the most pained voice I could muster without bursting into laughter: 'Does it look bad?' James looked so terrified."

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