Part Four: "I don't care..."

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Scorpius didn't sleep at all that night. Albus had absolutely ruined his report about bogarts. He wrote as much as he could but kept pulling up blanks. He didn't remember how to defeat a boggart. He couldn't remember if they were harmful.

Scorpius went to class that next morning with dark circles under his eyes and his mind fogged. Albus continuously tried to help Scorpius in any way he could, but Scorpius would shove I'm away and say, "Quit it."

Rex came up to Scorpius after his DADA class and asked, "You want to come to my dorm tonight?"

"I'm sorry. I didn't sleep last night. I wanna catch up on sleep."

Rex leaned close to Scorpius' ear and hissed, "You'd better come or else."

Scorpius knew what he was talking about and nodded. On the outside, Scorpius was very calm, cool, and collected. On the inside, Scorpius was very scared and debated on arguing with Rex that he really needed to sleep.

"Okay, " Rex said, walking away from Scorpius as he walked outside. Scorpius walked quickly to Hagrid's but, where the Care of Magical Creatures class would meet before finding out what they were going to learn that fine morning. The sun was shining and there was a faint breeze. The crisp October air made it cool and Scorpius wrapped his green Slytherin scarf around his neck.

"Good-mornin', class, " Hagrid started in a gruff voice. "I know yer all anticipating today's class. Today, we're going to learn 'bout niffler's."

Scorpius heard Albus, who was standing behind him, suck in a breath between his teeth in excitement. Scorpius knew that Albus had waited for this lesson and was exploding with eagerness at this moment.

Scorpius had to bite back a smile. He loved it when Albus got excited over something he would normally overlook. Albus would get over excited when they would learn about new creatures or they would decorate their room, which they hadn't had time to do with Scorpius always gone to Rex's and Scorpius was the better of the two when it came to summoning decorations.

Scorpius felt incredibly sad when he thought about being with Rex. He had never even wanted to be with him! He had only planned to make Albus angry enough so that he would yell to Scorpius that he secretly had feelings for him. Just as Scorpius had...still did. When Rex asked him to Hogsmeade, he had said yes only so that he could tell Albus, hopefully, get Albus to admit feelings for Scorpius, Scorpius would return those feelings, and then break it off with Rex.

Scorpius thought that it was a rotten plan and very mean, but Scorpius wanted Albus to look at him in a different way so badly, he would do anything to get it.

Of course, this plan ended badly. Albus was always sour and Rex wasn't the person he seemed to be.

"Scorpius!" Hagrid barked, snapping Scorpius out of his thoughts. "Malfoy!"

"Yes, Hagrid?" Scorpius asked nervously, thinking that he missed something important.

"Partner up with Albus, Scorpius. And don't worry 'bout it."

Scorpius let out a relieved breath and sat under a tree with Albus, who had grabbed a baby niffler from a pen that Hagrid kept them in. Albus, being Harry Potter's son, was already on good terms with Hagrid in the womb. Scorpius was on Hagrid's good side by the association to Albus and he was a good kid, a much better, more humble attitude than his father had while he was in school.

Albus already had a piece of parchment, a dark green quill, and black ink out of his bag. He crossed his legs and wrote while glancing occasionally at the baby niffler, who was scampering between the two and would trip over its own paws and roll for a second.

"Albus, "

"Yeah?" Albus asked, not looking up from the parchment.

Scorpius crossed his legs and held the niffler, who licked his nose sweetly. "I want to apologize for what I said to you last night."

"Oh?" Albus sighed, unfazed and indifferent.

Scorpius didn't think of it as rude. Albus sometimes displayed one emotion (or lack of) instead of the emotion he should have been showing.

"Yes. I was just angry. And... I have a lot on my mind."

"Like what?" Albus asked, rubbing the niffler's head lightly with his forefinger, which the niffler bit affectionately.

"Well, Rex---"

"I don't want to hear about your damn boyfriend, " Albus interjected forcefully.

"No, please don't get angry. I need to tell you that---"

"Scorpius, I don't fucking care about Rex Thomas. I don't fucking care about your love life. I don't fucking care about your apology!" Albus said forcibly, though Scorpius swore that he saw tears fill his friend's eyes. He ducked his head so that his bangs covered his emerald eyes.

Scorpius placed a hand on his shoulder and Albus forcefully shoved it off and stood up. He brought the parchment to Hagrid and came back, packing his things up.

"Albus, please..."

Albus looked down at Scorpius and his scowl wavered showing the slightest bit of...extreme sadness.

"Save it for the pity party, Malfoy."

Scorpius felt like he had been stabbed in the chest. By his friend, no less. He looked up at Albus with must have been the most hurt, shocked, terrified face in the world because Albus blinked fast before he left.
Leaving Scorpius

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