Part Eleven: Photo Album

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Albus walked up the stairs to his room as fast as he could when they got to their home. Once he was safely inside, he closed the door and slowly slid down it with a long breath. He ran a hand through his inky black hair and saw that his hand was shaking slightly.

There was no way Albus could do this. He was sure that everything would fall apart, starting with Scorpius. Everything started with Scorpius --then and now.
A small tapping sound made Albus snap back to reality a moment later. Albus stood up and went over to the window, seeing a medium-sized, gray barn owl. He saw a letter in the owl's talons. Albus opened his window and the owl fluttered in, resting himself on the desk next to Albus' owl, Zanadia.

Albus opened his letter and Scorpius' flawless handwriting greeted him. Albus sat down and read the letter, quietly sucking on a butterscotch candy.

   Father said that you can come over and in two days we're coming to your house. It would be a great help if you explained that you're coming to the Manor for a few days to your parents. I really can't wait for you to be here with me. I think it's crazy that we've been friends for six years and we've never been to each other's homes. Please write me back. If you want to. You don't have to if you don't want to!
Love from,
    𝒮𝒸ℴ𝓇𝓅𝒾𝓊𝓈 ℋ. ℳ𝒶𝓁𝒻ℴ𝓎

Albus smiled when he read that he was welcomed at Malfoy Manor by the Malfoy's. Albus frowned when he remembered that his dad hated the Malfoy's. When he and his siblings had been younger, Harry would tell them of the horrors at the Malfoy mansion as a bedtime story.

Albus remembered how he didn't think it was that bad during the war. Then he heard about the Manor from Uncle Ron and Aunt Hermione and finally believed how terrible it was. He even said to himself when he was ten that he would never be friends with a Malfoy.

Now he was dating one. He watched Scorpius' owl eat some food from Zanadia's bowl.

   Thank you, Scorpius. This means more to me than I can explain in a simple letter. I'll be sure to tell my parents that I'll be with you for a few days. Maybe I can convince Dad to let you stay for a few days. Thanks again. Can't wait to be with you.

Albus sealed the letter in an envelope and gave it to Sammie, Scorpius' owl and he looked twice before flying out of the open window. Albus watched as he flew away and waited until he vanished from view before closing the window and locking it back up.

Albus took a small, black backpack from his closet and put a few pairs of jeans and some shirts in it. Albus opened his school trunk, digging around to find his favorite dark green sweater. Instead, he found a thick, leather-clad book with an A embroidered on the cover.

Albus opened it, very confused when a piece of parchment fell out of it with Scorpius' fine handwriting.

This is for you. I also took your sweater. -S

Albus smiled and set the parchment on the ground next to him and opened the book and was surprised when he saw what was in it.

The pages were covered in moving stickers and pictures of Albus and Scorpius.

On the first page, Scorpius had elaborately written Albus' name in green ink. The name was followed by a series of pictures that Scorpius had taken with a camera. One was of Albus putting his hand out to block the camera. Another was of Albus reading a book. A third was of Albus levitating off the ground to put holly on the ceiling for Christmas.

On the second page, Scorpius wrote his name in blue and put pictures that Albus had taken: Scorpius sleeping soundly, picture-Albus' arm poking and shaking him, the picture-Scorpius opened his eyes and laughed, causing Albus to smile. The second was of Scorpius writing on parchment, and the third one was when Albus had accidentally made a beard appear on Scorpius' face.

Albus turned the pages and photographs flooded Albus' green eyes. There were photos of the two of them kissing, pictures of one of them leaning over the other one's shoulder. There was even a picture of Scorpius' hand on Albus' knee.

A knock on Albus' door reminded him of where he was. He slid the photo album in between his bed and the wall as whoever was the door knocked at the door again. He opened the door and saw James.

"You gave me a heart attack, " Albus grumbled. "D'you need something?"

"I need you to be honest with me."


James took a deep breath and whispered, "Do you love Scorpius Malfoy?"



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