Chapter Twelve

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Izukumi's Pov.
  Me and the boys run and try to track down where the "hero's" are along with the "weapon" I stop and raise my hand in a fist to signal the boys to stop, I look around the corner and tenya is the one walking around the other corner and I quickly think of how I can touch him to use my puppeteer quirk, I look at shoto and smile, "hey shoto do you think you can get me close to tenya?" I grin and I know my eyes are giving a mischievous glint. He smiles and grabs me and he uses his ice quirk and slides close to tenya quietly and I tap tenya and use my puppeteer quirk, "huh!? What's the meaning of thi- ahhh!?" I laugh and start to make him move as if he were injured and I giggle and start to absorb a bit of his quirk "ugh wh-what are you d-doing m-midoriya!?" He looks at me and notices my grin and his eyes go wide in fear. "Y-your eyes midoriya wh-what's wring with them!?" I smile and look at shoto and kacchan and they place their arms on my shoulders and grin mischievously. "Oh don't you like my quirk tenya I call it puppeteer I can control and absorb my opponents quirk and manipulate their movements,pretty cool huh? Although it's more of a villain quirk." I give him an "innocent" look and place a kiss on both shoto and kacchan's cheeks and they grin and they activate their quirks. "This is gonna be fun, how bout you show us how a villain like you would deal with "hero's" huh izukumi" tenya goes pale at that and he tries to scream and I use my strings to close his trap. I smile to myself and laugh in the most sinister way. "Then lets play!" I laugh and let my villain self show. "Time to be the villains."

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