Not Just A Cold

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Valerie's POV

"How is she?" Gary rushed in. I was sitting in the waiting room of a hospital downtown, with Flynn sitting next to me. Cal had fallen asleep and not waken up again. I had left the room and when I came back Cal's breathing was ragged and she was gasping deeply every so often so called the ambulance straight away.

"We don't know yet." I answered sadly.

The doctor walked into the room alone, searching for something or someone.

"Is anyone here for California Walton?" He asked and watched as heads looked up but returned down again.

"We are." I stood up and walked over to him. Flynn and Gary followed my lead. "How is she?"

"And who exactly are all of you?" The doctor asked.

"I'm her best friend." I stated as if it was the most important thing in the world.

"I'm her boyfriend." Gary blurted out quickly after me. Mine and Flynn's heads snapped to look at him in unison.

"I'm Flynn." He quickly stammered, unable to properly respond to the question out of utter shock.

"She's recovering. Does she have parents here?" I shook my head. "I can't speak to you until any immediate sanity here."

"I'm her brother." Flynn stepped forward and stood in front of us.

"Okay, sir. Please come with me." Flynn followed the doctor down the hallway and disappeared leaving Gary and I to wait impatiently in silence.

Flynn and the doctor were gone a while but when Flynn came back he explained everything to us.

"She gets migraines. Very severe ones." He said.

"Then why did you pass out?" I interrupt.

"Because the body can't handle the pain and goes into to shock. It tries to shut down. Now, can I continue?" I stay silent and nod my head. "This isn't the first time that she has been hospitalised for the condition, it's the fourth time."

Gary gasped and I couldn't help but think about her mother, why had she let this go on?

"She is supposed to have medication but she must have left it home or run out. The medication stops the progression of the migraine when she feels it coming."

"How did you find all of this out? Aren't you supposed to know considering you're her "brother"?" I asked using air quotation marks to emphasis my sarcasm on the word 'brother'.

"Duh, I've been at boarding school since Prep and she has only just recently joined me." Flynn stated simply, like he had been planning this for longer than 5 minutes.

"Right." I roll my eyes and nod my head. "Is there anything else?" I asked, willing Flynn to continue.

"Not really. She has been prescribed more medication and she should be awake within the next half an hour." Flynn said.

"Can we see her?" Gary questioned, surfacing from his silent state.

"Stay right here. I'll ask." Flynn responded and walked over to where Cal's doctor was standing at the reception.

"Boyfriend, huh?" I look at Gary and smirk. He looks at me with wide eyes and lips were sucked in so that they weren't visible any longer.

"It was spur of the moment," Gary spluttered out quickly. "I don't know what we are. Talk to Cal, she will know. Don't ask me, I don't kn-" I slapped my hand over his mouth.

"Okay, Gary, darling, two important things." I interupt Gary's ramblings. "One, you are being way to obvious. You could have stopped at "spur of the moment" but you kept going and now your cover is blown. And two, I don't care. I'm happy for you guys. Don't worry about what I think." I explain.

"It's not me who cares what you think." Gary mutters quietly. I only have time to furrow my eyebrows in confusion and slightly open my mouth to speak before Flynn comes back over.

"I can see her," He states and Gary and I wait, watching him with wide eyes, waiting for the rest. "because I am the brother." Flynn acts as though he is finished speaking and stares back at us. "And I may take whoever I like in with me." I would have jumped for joy and let out a cheer of excitement if we hadn't have been in a hospital, it didn't really seem like the right place and time for it.

We walked into the hospital room and I was shocked at Cal's apperence. For a girl who always stood tall and was so confident and sure of herself it was surprising to see her look so tiny tucked into the white sheets of the hospital bed.

"Where's my glorious brother the doctor was telling me about?" Cal muttered quietly and it made me laugh. Without fail, it didn't matter that she was lying in a hospital bed, she was always sarcastic and sassy.

"Right here." Flynn laughed and walked up to the bed. She opened her eyes now and glanced around at all of us. Her attempts ti smile were horrible and I couldn't contain the sniggers that escaped though I don't think she noticed.

"Ahh, Flynny-boy. Do you remember when we were five and we were swimming in the pool and you decided there was a frog in your swim shorts so you stripped them off so that, and I quote, you could both swim freely." Cal said and smiled at her own joke.

"I remember it like it was yesterday." Flynn responded, playing along. The laughter that filled the room soon disappeared and we were left in silence.

"I'm just gonna have a sleep, kay?" Cal muttered, her eyes flickered closed and her breathing became deep.

From the coridor outside you could hear the screaming and yelling of a desprete mother, calling for her baby.

"My baby!" She screamed. "My little girl!" She cried.

"Ugh." Cal spat and we all turned to face her, although there was nothing different to see. Her eyes were closed and her breathing was still deep. "Please don't let her in."

"Who?" Gary asked.

"The drama queen outside," She said. "My mother."

Written by Rainbow

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