18 | Jealousy

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-[Y/N] POV-

A week has passed and I haven't heard anything about Toby, Clockwork, Jane..and Liu... or anyone that works for Zalgo. I was wondering if he forgot about his plan...if a month passes and I don't hear anything from this plan then I'm leaving back to my house!
God Jeff and Ben are difficult to live with, and I'm mostly starving half of the time. Jeff also-...well he's just been cuddling with me...gets a bit touchy at times...I let him...and Ben laughs...god...

I sigh as I walked out of the house, Jeff was still sleeping, how do I know? He makes me sleep with him in bed. I lightly blushed as I walked around. I shouldn't complain living here...it's kind of fun and Jeff sometimes let's me drink with him...its nice, I just don't like it when he's drunk and tries to kiss me..
Well whatever-
I stopped when I thought I heard the sound of footsteps behind me. I slowly continued to walk and heard them again. Shit...what do I do...? Wait it could be Ben trying to scare-
I felt a hand on my shoulder and jumped. I got scared anyways-
I turned and... Liu!?

"Hey...how've you been...?"
He asked giving me a soft smile, I looked at him and nodded. Wow I haven't seen him in a while... How the hell is he fine as fuck, and Jeff is...well, Jeff is Jeff. I blushed noticing that I called him fine, thank god he can't hear my thoughts..

"Heh, I don't think a nod can answer that but you seem fine...I heard he took your voice...how's it like living with Jeff...? He drinks a lot?"
He asked as he started walking motioning me to follow. I did.
I nodded at what he asked and sighed.

"Yeah...Jeff is difficult... I'm glad you're doing fine with him though.. I was actually hoping that you would stay with me for a while...but after the event with Sully I understand why you wouldn't want to..."
Right...I forgot about Sully, I wouldn't mind living with Liu...I think it would be better but its too late to do that. Jeff thought Liu was dead, and Sully hates Jeff...I also don't think Jeff would want me to live with a minion of Zalgo...its funny because I'm a minion of Zalgo and I live with him.
I looked at Liu noticing he was frowning, I reached for his hand and held it. I wish I could say something... If I could I would say that I wouldn't mind at all...I would enjoy his company a lot.

Liu looked at me and smiles when I grabbed onto his hand. He also held on to it.
"...our Boss, he's going after the killers...once he kills them he'll go after the proxies and Slenderman....once he does that...he's taking over the world with nothing and no one to stop him..."
Wait what!? He's gonna take over the fucking world!?

"...No one will stop him, if you behave well then he'll probably let you live. You might be his little hamster."
He says with a small laugh, his tone changed...oh this was Sully...I winced as I felt him squeeze my hand tightly. I tried pulling away but he pulled me close to him.
"Why does Liu like someone like you...you disgust me, spending all that time with Jeff...the only thing nice about you is just how cute you are."
I felt him press his lips against mine, a blush came to my face and closed my eyes tightly and tried my best pulling away. I felt him push me back onto a tree and pins me. He deepened the kiss trying to put his tongue in. I didn't let him, but he grabbed my hair yanking it back making me gasp. Once I did that, he slipped his tongue in moving it around. I let out groans and other noises trying to push him away.

I then opened my eyes as some tears came out. I then noticed Sully getting pulled away. By Jeff! I stayed by the tree softly panting as I saw Jeff punching Sully in the face. I slightly frowned at what I was about to do but I have to, he's also Liu. I walked to Jeff and grabbed his arm.

Jeff looked back at me a bit confused.
"What is wrong with you? He has his hands all over you!"
I still held on to his arm and just shake my head. He sighs and gets off of Sully. He gets up and looks at the both of us with a bloody nose.
He says as and runs off. Homos? He's the one that fucking frenched kiss me!!
I looked at Jeff when I felt him hug me tightly.
"He didn't do anything else to you did he...? Ugh, don't leave the house without me! You don't know how to defend yourself yet!"
I just looked at him feeling a bit bad for worrying him, I didn't mean it...I just wanted to talk to Liu...

"Please don't let anyone ever kiss you like that... If you do let anyone kiss you they die."
Wow...well then...so if he kissed me like that he kills himself then? I just placed my hand on top of his greasy hair and nod.

He says and smiles as he picks me up bridal style and starts walking back to the house. He knows I can walk right...? Whatever, free ride...


The next day, Jeff was VERY clingy. He wouldn't let go of me in the morning so we were up in bed for two hours!! Today, he's been...flirting with me...? Also cuddling...a lot... Ben of course was enjoying the whole thing finding it funny. Damn twelve year olds finding everything funny.
Wait...was he jealous about what happened...??? If he was then that's adorable- shit I'm calling him adorable.


Oof hello! I just wanted to say thank you so much for 4.38k reads!

Please check out the fanfic I just published today!

Please check out the fanfic I just published today!

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I'm also working on a Ticci Toby x Reader.
Might change it to Male Reader. Might.

Anyways thanks again!^^

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