11 | Contract

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-[Y/N] POV-

Its been a week already, I haven't seen Jeff...that's good but I still shouldn't let my guard down. He sometimes disappears for a week and then comes back to taunt me. I still haven't told the police about him...I know stupid of me, but I was just thinking about what Liu told me. I would like to get rid of Jeff once and for all, I would also like to talk again. I need to ask him more stuff like if I can still live here if I join them, and who is his boss???

After that one week I was allowed to go back home, my stitches still are showing and I need to be careful on not to be too much active. I carefully sat up from bed when I heard my door open, it was Alyssa...she's actually been nice to me this whole week.
"I ordered pizza...mom and dad said that they'll be gone for a few days for conference or something.."
I nodded and got up, she went and helped me by grabbing my hand.
"Do you need help going down the stairs too?"
I shook my head. She was still holding my hands when we went down the stairs...It was weird...
"Ok one side is pepperoni and the other is mushroom....wanna watch a movie...?"
I shrugged, we both went to the living room, the pizza box was on a coffee table and we both sat next to each other on the couch.
"So...are your stitches getting better?"
I looked at her and shrugged, this was so weird, what is she planning???
"Hey...I know I've been rude to you but a lot of stuff has been happening to you...Your family died, you got framed for killing them, almost got killed and got kidnapped. You have done bad things but I wanna know why..."
Why is she caring now? Are Matilda and George forcing her to be nice to me...? But why does she want to know why I do this at school?
"Were you bullied your whole life or something?"
I looked away as she said that.
"You were, weren't you..."
I continued looking away, its not like she cares, I...I bullied the entire high school for three years...I'm so stupid, maybe I do deserve what is happening to me right now...
I felt tears come out of my eyes, I felt Alyssa hug me tightly, I wiped the tears off. She's pitting me isn't she..
"Everything that is happening to you right now, no one deserves that..."
She's right...I don't deserve having my family killed...
She pulled away and smiles at me, I smiled back.

After thirty minutes I heard footsteps and then Alyssa yell.
"Troy what the hell!?"
I turned to see Troy behind me and covered my face with a cloth. I passed out.

-Alyssa's POV-

I gasped as I saw [Y/N] pass out, I turned to Troy.
"What the hell is wrong with you!?"

"Why the hell are you hanging out with him? I just wanted to come over and say hi since I heard your parents are gone for a few days...I didn't knew you were friends with him.."
He said giving me a disgusted look.

"Don't look at me like that, you use to be friends with him! And its not what it looks like! My parents... Are fostering him for a while..."

"Damn that must be tough...and I was never really his friend, has he done anything to you?"
He asked and I looked away, he has but he hasn't for a while.
"Well the first day he came, he..made it look like I punched him and got me in trouble with my parents for that..."

"This motherfucker...don't worry babe, I'll take care of him."
He said as he takes out his phone and starts calling someone.
"What are you going to do...?"
I asked worried.

"Oh we're just going to to have a small party."

-[Y/N] POV-

I woke up with a headache, I opened my eyes but it was dark, I had a blindfold on! My hands are also tied...what's going on.

"Hey I just saw him move, I think he's awake!"
That's voice...it was Markus! I felt someone remove the blindfold, I looked up seeing Markus, Troy, Alyssa and someone else with them. Did...did Alyssa plan this!?
"So what are we gonna do Troy?"
Markus asked, I start struggling, what are they going to do with me??
Troy then picks up a bat and then smirks at me.
"Pay back..."
He was ready to swing it at me but then I see Alyssa stop him.
"Get the fuck out of my house! You're worse then him! "

"So he's your boyfriend now...? In school everyone will go after you now for protecting him. I'm still going to beat the shit out of him."
He then leaves with his friends. Alyssa went to untie me, when she did I backed away from her.

"I swear I didn't invite him over!"
I didn't look at her, and if she didn't why didn't she stopped him earlier...
"Please look at me...we were getting along well..."
I got up and started walking towards the door.
"Where are you going...?"
I just want to get away from here...

-Troys POV-

I stopped when I heard the door and saw [Y/N] walking out.
I said as I walked away from Markus and went to follow [Y/N] into the woods with my bat.

-[Y/N] POV-

I kept looking around, where would Liu be-
"Hey...have you thought about it?"
I turned seeing him, where did he came from?? I just nodded and he hands me his hand.
"Alright then, I'll take you to Lord Zalgo."
Wait who? He grabs my hand, and looked at me in the eyes, his eyes...they turned red as he said that. I tried to pull away but then we teleported.
He let go of me, I looked around, we were in some type of office...the place was dark with a bit of red, it was also really hot....I can only see torches lighting up the place.
"Lord Zalgo, I brought him."
Liu said as be kneels down in front of a desk, he looked at me and I kneeled down as well.

"Good job child. So your Jeff's Toy...by agreeing to work with me, you will be protected, will have the ability to speak again, and of course being safe from Jeff and his friends...just sign this contract, it's nothing much."

I looked at Liu, he was biting his lip...what if I don't want to sign it...? Should I?
I stood up and took a good look at Zalgo...he's...he's a demon!
"Yes I guess you can say I'm the devil...now sign."
Oh he can read my mind...
I looked at the paper and grabbed a pen he was handing me. I slowly began to sign my name.

"Hah...you belong to me now!"
My eyes widened and he snatched the paper away from me, I saw him snap his fingers.
"W-wait what do you mean by that!?"
Was the first thing I yelled and then covered my mouth, I can talk again...

"Well, you're like a proxy, you must do whatever I say and do whatever I want whenever I want...if you disobey, your dead. When I need you your eyes will glow red, if you call my name they will turn red. If you let anyone find out about this other than my other proxies, you are dead..you won't be able to escape from me. You gave me your life and body."

So basically I'm a slave....? I looked down and got on my knees, what the hell did I get myself into!?

"Liu, go tell him what the plan is and get him caught up with what is going on."

"Yes Lord Zalgo!"
I felt his place his hand on my shoulder, I opened my eyes and saw that we were back in the woods.

"Why didn't you tell me I would be giving my life to him!"
I yelled at Liu and got up

"I thought you would read the contract...and hey you won't be living with that girl you hate. You will be able to kill without any consequences."
He said and grabbed my wrist and started walking.
"Where are we going..?"
I asked quietly

"We are meeting up with Jane, and Nina...our bosses plan involves you to live with Jeff for a while..."

Silence | Jeff the Killer x Mute Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now