3 | Kill

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-[Y/N] POV-

It was late, I was waiting in the backyard of the student that beated me up today. He and his friends that helped were all here. Was I really going to let Jeff kill them?? I only want to scare them thought...
"Ok, it's a good time now, they are home alone."
He said as he takes out his gun and hands it to me.
"I prefer to kill with my knife.~"

Wait I was going to help him?! I shook my head and gave the gun back to him.
"What? Don't be a pussy, remember when you go back home the police will be there because your parents are dead. You won't have anyone but me to help you cover up for what you did."

I stared at him and then teared up as I took the gun. I don't want them dead anymore...
I tried to speak, but only small grunt noises came out. I bet he doesn't even know sign language....

"Shhh let's go."
He said as he grabbed my hand and walked me to the window. He let go and quietly opens it, we both jumped in. I heard them laughing from upstairs.
"If you don't kill at least one, I'll leave you here to get caught."
He whispered looking me straight dead in the eyes. I start shaking as he grabbed my wrist and started walking upstairs. "Calm down, he'll kill two and I just have to kill one...." We arrived to the room, Jeff goes and opens it. They all turned to us and then quickly got up to reach for their phones.
I quickly pointed my gun at one of them, I'm not going to really shoot him am I...???

One of them said as they all looked at me now. Right if I show them who's in charge they'll probably won't tell? That's stupid! They'll still call the police on me.
I just got closer at him with my gun
"Wait! Calm down! We're sorry, but you were a dick in school for three years!"
I got mad and pointed it towards his head.

"Alright then [Y/N] you kill him and I'll kill these two."
Jeff said as he immediately charged at one quickly stabbing him. My eyes widened, this is the fucking fourth time seeing someone die in front of me. I started shaking, the guy noticed and grabbed the gun trying to pull it away from me. I gripped on to it not letting go, I then jumped and let go of the gun as I heard a loud shooting noise. I looked at the guy and noticed that I shot him in the face. He fell on top of me and I screamed.
I heard Jeff laugh, the last guy ran out.
"I'll be back!"
Jeff said as he gets up and chases after him. A few seconds later I hear stuff falling and breaking, and then the sound of a knife stabbing something. I expected it to be Jeff but it wasn't. It was the guy and he came back glaring at me.
"Get ready for prison-"
I then see Jeff bleeding from his side stabbing the guy multiple times on the chest. Some blood fell in my face making me gag.

"That...was fun.."
Jeff said as he went and helped me up. I looked st his wound and pointed at it.
"I'm fine, are you ok?"
He asked as he grabs my arms and turns me a bit looking around if I got hurt. I nodded.
"Good let's get out of here!"
He said as he grabbed my hand and we both ran.

We soon stopped in the woods, the blood was dried up in my face. We walked towards a lake and sat down. I see Jeff lay on the ground quietly cursing about his wound. I got up and went to the water of the lake to wash off the blood from my face. When I finished I took off my sweatshirt and then took off my shirt. I walk to Jeff and pulled off his hoodie.

"Yo, yo! Dude I thought you weren't gay! You know no homo!"
He said as he quickly sat up when I took off his hoodie. I rolled my eyes and pointed at his wound.
"Oh...don't worry I'm fine- ow! Watch it!"
He yelled making me flinch, I just lightly dabbed it with my shirt.

"Give me it...its fine I have a friend who is good with this stuff..."
He said as he took my shirt and placed it on the wound trying to make it stop bleeding.
I put my sweatshirt back on and then noticed it was already night.
"I should take you back....good luck with the police, how old are you again?"
He asked, with my right hand I stuck out one finger and then with the rest I showed him seven fingers.
"Oh seventeen! Cool. Well let's go"
He said as he got up and winced, I looked at him a bit worried but then noticed...I'm worrying about him!! I even gave him my fucking shirt! He killed my brother and parents! He even blackmailed me to kill someone!
I start walking home.

"Hey wait up!"
He said but then I looked at him and shook my head.
"Dam ok...I don't give a fuck if you get killed walking on your own."
I start walking again, why was he talking like there were other killers...wait he wouldn't just let me walk away like that...no he's probably trying to trick me.
As I continued to walk I started hearing ticking noises, I looked around and tried to calm myself down, it was probably some bugs..
The ticking got louder and I heard footsteps behind me. Is that Jeff??? Please let that be him..! I hear it get louder and louder and then stopped when I heard the ticking right next to my ear.
"H-Hello there."
I jumped and looked to see what it was, no one was there!? I slowly leaned on a tree and felt my heart beating like crazy, I need to calm down...I start hearing the ticks again, and with some laughs that sounds glitchy. I start tearing up and almost screamed as I felt someone place their hand in my shoulder. I looked up seeing it was Jeff, I start crying and hugged him tightly.
"Want me to take you home?"
He asked as I immediately nodded my head.
"Let's go ~"

He takes me near my house, I gave him a small smile and walked towards my place already seeing the police. I sighed, should I try and tell them about Jeff...?

-Jeff's POV-

I watched [Y/N] walk home, I lightly smiled and headed back to the woods.
"S-so he's your n-new victim??"
I heard Toby asked as he jumped off a tree landing next to me.
"Yup, and here"
I said as I have him twenty dollars for helping me scare [Y/N].

"I like him, he acts tuff and then gets easily scared!"
Ben said as he appears floating next to me.

"What happened to your victim??"
I asked Ben.

"Well I already killed her off...she was taking it the wrong way, her dumbass thought I was in love with her. Ew...she was like eighteen, she forgot that I am like twelve."

"I-I have t-to go, I think m-my boss is calling me."
Toby said as he starts running off.

How long should I keep [Y/N] alive?? I guess until I get bored of him.

Silence | Jeff the Killer x Mute Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now