Chapter 17

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Because Carolblueeyes asked so nicely, I'll give my babes one more chapter today to gnaw on. Enjoy 😬


Within the hour, Gerard found himself in a tiny room at a strange warehouse where he was strapped to a wooden chair. He instantly thought of the man in Frank's basement and he was even more scared. Bert was sick of hearing Gerard's sobs so he had tape across his mouth.

"Let's go over this again" Bert spoke as he lit a cigarette and paced back and forth. "You are John Castelleneta's son." Gerard nodded. "And Frank Iero's boyfriend". Again he nodded. "Well lucky me, I just found the perfect person, haven't I?"

Gerard hung his head. He couldn't believe how stupid he had been to wander away from the restaurant, all those people who would have stopped this, prevented this. Maybe John and Frank would agree he was an idiot and let Bert do whatever he felt like before shooting him. Teach him a lesson.

Gerard was violently ripped from his thoughts when a smack to his cheek jerked his head to the right. "Are you even listening to me, whore?!" Bert screamed. Gerard wanted to spit the blood that was pooling in his mouth but the tape stopped him. Either Bert understood or was just being cruel, because he ripped the tape off.

"I want you to tell me everything about them" Bert growled. Gerard didn't respond and it caused another smack to the other cheek. He finally spit blood to the floor as he hung his head.

"I-I don't know a-anything. T-they didn't tell me a-anything" Gerard spoke. Bert grabbed a fist full of hair, lifting Gerard's gaze to meet his.

"That's horse shit" He gritted out. "You lived with one for years and sucked the others dick there is no way they didn't share anything with you".

Gerard shook his head weakly and whispered no. Bert narrowed his eyes as he left another smack across Gerard's cheek, this one harder than the last two.

"Maybe spending a few hours tied to this chair will jog your memory." Bert said as he stormed out, slamming the door behind him. Gerard sat in the dark, bleeding and sobbing quietly.


A fist fight was just about to break out before Ray yelled "wait, where is Gerard?" The men stopped and looked around hoping Gerard was sitting in the corner or something but he wasn't in the room anymore and the door cracked open a few inches confirmed this.

"Shit" Frank gritted out as he shoved John away from him and started towards the door. As the group of men poured onto the street, John and Frank looked around with wild eyes.

"Billie!" Frank yelled, seeing one of his lower ranking men standing outside of his car. "Have you seen Gerard?"

"Y-yeah, he went that way and was picked up by another SUV. I assumed John's men took him home". Frank and John shared a look of fear with each other before both men started barking orders to their soldiers.

"Load up! Gerard is missing!" Frank yelled.

"Nobody sleeps tonight until he is found" John shouted. 13 black SUVs went screeching out of the parking lot, headed in different directions, looking for the pale young man.


It was hard to figure out how long Gerard had been there alone. There were no windows and it was dark. It could have been an hour it could have been four days. His stomach growled a little and he really wanted some water. Pulling on the duct tape restraining him he tried to find a weak point but once again, they were too strong to escape. Even if Gerard could get free he wouldn't be able to just walk out of this place. His chances of freedom were getting less and less likely and he slowly began to give up.

The door was pushed open and Gerard snapped his head up waiting for rescue but was greeted with the sickening smile of Bert.

"Hey Gee!" He said in a chipper tone. "I hope you don't mind if I call you Gee."  Gerard didn't respond. "Remember anything yet?"

Gerard just shook his head weakly and tensed up waiting for a smack, but it never came, just a small chuckle.

"I have an idea. Let's call your boyfriend, I'm sure he doesn't care much that I have you but we should check in anyway" Bert spoke as he fished his phone out of his pocket. He put it on speaker and as it rang and he lit a cigarette.

"Iero" the voice at the other end spoke sternly. But it was a beautiful voice, Frank's voice.

"Hey Frankie!" Bert crooned. "How are you on this lovely night?"

"What the fuck do you want McCrakken?" Frank spoke through gritted teeth.

"I found something of yours that you may or may not want back. Just a stay little kitty" he looked at Gerard expecting him to yell or cry or make any noise to prove to Frank he was here, but he stayed silent. Growing impatient, Bert took the end of his cigarette and burned it onto Gerard's arm, causing him to yell out in pain

"There we go" Bert said. "Just wanted to show you I wasn't lying". The voice at the other end was silent for a long time.

"What do you want?" Frank said trying to keep his composure.

"I want your territory. And Johns. And I want to put a bullet in both of your heads. You fuck ups never took my father seriously but you'll damn sure take me seriously."

"And what if we refuse?"

"Then I put two bullets in Gee's head, the two that were meant for you guys. After I have some fun with him of course". Bert caressed Gerard's cheek and he shook his head trying to get away from the malicious touch.

"If you hurt one fucking hair on his head I swear to god..." Frank growled.

"He does have such a pretty mouth. I can see why you wanted to keep him." Bert interrupted. "We'll we're going to play, call me when you're ready to hand over your family". As Bert went to hang up, Frank spoke quickly.

"Stay strong Gee, I'll find yo-".

"Don't listen to promises he can't keep" Bert murmured. "By the time they do find you, you will have already bled to death" and with that, Bert walked out again, leaving Gerard to replay Frank's words in his head.

Stay strong, Gee, I'll find you.

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