Chapter 3

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How did ya like that cliffhanger? I won't promise not to do it again. But here is a new chapter to calm your nerves :)


The two stared at each other for a long moment, just trying to confirm to themselves that they were staring back at their boyfriend. Frank was the one to move first, slowly rising from his chair as he whispered "Gerard". Moving slowly as to not frighten the young man any more than he was, he approached him, frantically looking him over. The fear had festered and the moment Frank reaches out to lightly touch Gerard's biceps, Gerard crumbled in a bout of nearly hysterical sobs.

"Where did you find him?" Frank asked worried, not even noticing his wrists still bound together.

"Uh sir? I don't mean to overstep my bounds but do you know each other?" Frank had kept his relationship a secret from most of his men, only divulging his feelings for the boy to his curly headed right hand, Ray. But Ray had never seen Gerard. It was Ray's job to basically cover for his boss while Frank went out to see Gerard. Sensing the confusion in his men, he looked back at his boyfriend who looked so scared.

"Gee? Baby it's ok ... it-it's just me" he tried to soothe the shaking boy softly but failing.

"What the hell have you fucking idiots done?!" He growled, the volume and sudden reaction causing Gerard to jump again as more tears trailed down his cheeks.

"You were only supposed to ... take care of John and get my money back, not kidnap an innocent person!" Frank yelled.

"With all due respect, sir, this isn't just any person. This is the son of John Castellaneta." The dark haired man spoke. Frank was visibly surprised by that statement. His arms dropped to his sides and he took a step back gazing over Gerard again.

"But ... but your last name isn't Castellaneta" he stated quietly.

Gerard shook his head frantically. As he wiped his eyes with his forearm, he was finally calm enough to speak.

"N-n-no, my parents gave m-m-me my mother's last n-name" he stuttered. Frank still looked bewildered. Gerard didn't look much like his father but he had some tell tale features. Without breaking his darkening gaze at Gerard, he spoke again.

"Leave us" he said quietly. The men didn't know if he was talking to them or the trembling boy, but the answer was clear when he turned his head towards the men and yelled "didn't you hear me?! I said leave!"

The blonde man scoffed. "Typical. We bring him a pet to play with and don't even get a thanks".

"What did you call him, Bob?" Frank growled, stalking towards the larger man, grabbing the front of his shirt.

Bob turned around and smiled. "I said you should thank us for your new play toy" he spoke clearly, seeing Gerard wince at the name he was called. Frank's fury was sudden, when his right fist collided with the center of Bobs nose. Blood poured out and Bob brought his hands to his face in pain.

"There's your thanks, mother fucker" he growled. "Don't you dare disrespect him like that". Even through the swelling had started on his eyes, Bob still looked like he wanted to fight until Ray grabbed his arm and pulled him towards the door, making sure everyone was ushered and out they would be alone.

The ear piercing silence was back again as Frank kept his back to the boy, trying to calculate his next moves. In a swift moment, he turned and stormed towards Gerard, backing him up into the nearest wall. Gerard's honey eyes showed obvious fear but also confusion, but Frank's eyes still kept their dark glint as his jaw tensed.

"I should have known better" he murmured lowly. "I should have known John would do this. Dangle this beautiful boy in front of me and making fall ... No". With that Frank backed away shaking his head.

"Frankie" Gerard whimpered.

"Don't you ever call me that again" he snarled as he pushed Gerard back up against the wall with his body.

"Wait, you're mad at me?" Gerard asked quietly. "How do I feel, your fucking... whoever just kidnapped me!" The volume of his voice increased with each word as his courage grew higher. "You didn't tell me about this life, I thought my boyfriend Frank was a business man and lived in a nice apartment in the city."

Frank's face fell a little in guilt. Yes, technically he did lie to Gerard, but it was to protect him. He was far too innocent to know about the blood on Frank's hands.

"You-you didn't tell me about your father".

"Tell you what?" Gerard asked angrily. "Do you really think my father ever told me about his job? I was at his house for dinner and your fucking men..." he trailed off.

Frank was exhausted and his head was already starting to pound. He wanted to believe Gerard but he had been hurt before and didn't want to have to go through that again. He walked slowly back over to his desk, rummaging through the top drawer until he pulled something out.

Stalking back to Gerard, it became clear that Frank was holding a knife, but by the time Gerard realized this, Frank had used his body once again to pin Gerard to the wall. Taking the dull side of the blade, he gently caressed it over Gerard's left cheek watching his eyes fill with fear again.

"It would be so easy" he whispered as the blade slowly made its way to Gerard's throat. "I could just slice your throat here and now, let you bleed out and have Ray and Brendon clean up the mess. You would be gone forever, never to lie or hurt anyone anymore. But I'm tired." Gerard's eyes visibly widened at Frank's words.

Frank slowly slid the blade down the front of his shirt as Gerard's eyes closed tightly, waiting for the blow he was sure to receive. Hopefully he would bleed out quickly and painlessly. With a sudden jerk of his arm, Frank had successfully cut through the tape binding Gerard's wrists, freeing them.

"Leave" Frank whispered as he backed up. "Leave and never come back", and he turned to go back to his desk.

Gerard was dumbfounded. He wasn't sliced open or hurt. He was free. He should have run out of there as quickly as possible, but that would mean leaving Frank, the man he loved.

Gerard glanced towards Frank to see him leaning against his desk with his head hung low. Being as bold as he had ever been, he slowly made his way across the room and stood directly behind Frank, hesitating before wrapping his arms around his waist from behind.

Frank jolted out of his hold, grabbing the front of his shirt in his fists and practically throwing him up against the wall behind his desk.

"Are you fucking stupid or something? I said leave!"

"N-n-no" Gerard stuttered.

"Why? Why won't you fucking leave me alone?" Frank all but begged.

"Because I love you" Gerard whispered, his eyes closing as a tear slid down his cheek.

"If you love me, then prove it" Frank replied. With that, Gerard grabbed Frank's face and pulled him in for a deep passionate kiss, which Frank instantly responded to. He let Gerard have control for a few moments more before he took it back, pulling him off the wall and walking him back to his desk, pushing him onto his back and not once breaking their kiss.

When they pulled apart for air, Frank desperately searched Gerard's eyes looking for any deception, any flash of light that proved he was lying, but all he saw in those beautiful orbs was love and still a little fear. It broke Frank.

"I'm so sorry" he said kissing Gerard between words. "I love you so much I'm just so fucking sorry for all of this".

"I gave you everything" Gerard panted between the assaults on his lips. "Everything" he breathed. "How could I not love you".

Their make out session lasted a few more minutes longer before Frank had to stop. He would have loved to take things further but he had work to do. Mainly figure out how his men fucked up so badly.

"Come on" Frank said, smiling at Gerard's swollen lips and messy hair. "I want to introduce you to the guys". The two lovers walked hand in hand out of the office, the fear of the unknown hidden in the shadows of their minds.



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