Chapter 2

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Hi friends. Hope you are doing well😁


After his hands were bound in front just like his father's, he was hauled back into the house. Once John saw that they did in fact catch Gerard, his eyes went wild with panic and fury.

"You better let him go this instant" John growled lowly, his eyes shading to a very dark, very scary hue that Gerard had never seen.

"Who is this boy to you?" The curly headed man inquired. "If he was just another one of your henchman you wouldn't be looking at me like you're about to rip my head off".

"He's a ... friend" John spit through ground teeth. He was desperate that they not find out about Gerard's identity. Then he could send Gerard away for a while until this blew over, keeping his beloved son safe. But just as John thought he was making headway, a slow smirk spread across the curly haired mans face.

"You know, Johnny, this boy looks an awful lot like that lovely wife you had".

John couldn't even respond. It took a few moments for the other men in the room to catch on to what he was saying, and they all mirrored the same smirk.

"Well fuck, John. I didn't know you had yourself such gorgeous son ... with such a pretty ass" the blonde said happily as he squeezed Gerard's right ass cheek. Gerard nearly jumped a foot and tears started to well in his eyes.

"Y-y-you'd better n-n-not" he stammered, "o-or my b-b-boyfriend will g-g-get you". John looked surprised at that statement but figured if it helped then why not lie to these men.

"Don't worry honey" the blonde whispered into Gerard's ear. "He won't find us to be able to do anything about it".

Gerard shivered at the thought of what these men could potentially do to him. If he ever got free how would he explain to Frank that he wasn't the only man that Gerard had ever laid with. Frank would think he was unclean and leave him. He couldn't let this happen.

"P-please just let m-m-me go" he sobbed. The dark haired man grabbed the tape out of the curly haired mans hands and ripped a piece off.

"Talking time is over, princess" he said as he smoothed the tape over Gerard's lips, effectively silencing him. "I think the Don will like this one" he spoke again.

As the men moved to start pulling Gerard towards the front door, John tried standing up in protest. Gerard saw in the corner of his eye before he was yanked hard the other direction, that the curly haired man had thrown his father back to the ground.

"Seven days, Castellaneta. Seven days to get my boss what is his, or you will never see your little boy alive again" he growled, straightening up and following behind Gerard.


Gerard was shoved into a large black SUV seated between the curly haired man and the dark haired man. He hated it but felt oddly safe away from that blonde guy. He scared Gerard. The tears wouldn't stop and he was having trouble catching his breath through his nose. Maybe I'll pass out Gerard thought, then I won't have to endear what they have planned for me.

After what seemed like forever, they pulled up to an iron gate with a large I in the center. After a security man opened the gate and waved them in, they followed down a long winding driveway and up to a large white mansion. His fear was temporarily forgotten as he took in the fields of perfectly mowed grass and pruned bushes. The front of the home had marble steps that led to a large wooden door. Four marble columns added to the grandness of the front of the home. Gerard was jolted from his admiration by a harsh tug on his bicep.

"Let's go whore" the blonde said, annoyed. Gerard was certain he would have bruises from all this manhandling. The blonde stood way too close for Gerard's comfort and would find his hands lingered on his body longer than they should.

"Just remember if you can't please the Don you get to stay with me" he whispered in his ear and Gerard shuttered what this Don, this presumably older man, would do to him. Once the front door was opened a young man not much older than Gerard was stopped.

"Ryan!" The dark haired man yelled. "Where is the Don?"

The young man pointed to a set of large mahogany doors. The group of men pulled at Gerard until they stood in front of the doors, the curly haired man and dark haired man in front, while the blonde held Gerard behind him tightly. There was a swift knocking at the door, followed by an annoyed "come in".

As the doors were open, Gerard couldn't see much around these large men so he kept his gaze fixed on the floor, noticing the plush off white carpeting.

"I assume you finished what I asked you to?" A voice said sternly.

"Well not exactly" the curly haired man started. "We were ... interrupted. But I came up with a better idea. For the next seven days, we brought you a gift and if this isn't solved in a weeks time, you get the joy of doing away with both Castellaneta and this pet".

Suddenly the group of men parted and another hard yank pushed Gerard front and center to the awaiting eyes of the Don. The silence was piercing and Gerard slowly lifted his head to take in the room.

The walls were navy blue and adjourned with various photos and pieces of art. There was a large fireplace on the far end that had a small flame going. There was maroon curtains on the wall and large black leather chairs in the corner. On the wall opposite from Gerard was a large mahogany desk filled with paper and books and even a laptop that was closed. Behind it sat the Don in a leather office chair.

The Don's face was situated into pure shock and when Gerard met his gaze, his own mouth dropped open and he wanted to vomit.

He was staring at Frank. Frank was the Don.


Haaaaa cliffhangers because I'm a garbage person. Oh well. Until the next chapter ✌🏻

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