Chapter 7

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Gerard awoke to a pleasant smell. He couldn't quite put his finger on it, but it was definitely a home cooked breakfast. After stretching out, he realized he was in bed alone. Gerard pouted a little bit at the thought of Frank enjoying breakfast without him.

Dragging his tired limbs out of bed until his toes felt the plush softness of the carpet, he decided to make his way down to the main floor. Opening the bedroom door softly, he listened out for other noises but was surprised when he didn't hear much. Slowly making his way to where he remembered the steps were, he saw the occasional maid, but no one else.

Once he made it to the main floor, he was lost. Frank never really showed him around and this house was huge. Gerard loitered through the rooms until the smell of bacon and pancakes reached its highest level. One more corner and he stumbled into the kitchen. It was bright, with large windows and even French doors that led to the back yard. The sun was shining and it gave the entire room a soft yellow glow.

Jeanie was piling pancakes on a plate before she turned and saw Gerard.

"Oh!" She squeaked, surprised at his sudden appearance. "I'm sorry I didn't hear you come in." Gerard blushed. "Are you hungry, dear?" She asked.

"Yes" Gerard said softly.

"Well you are just in time, follow me" She motioned as she walked towards another set of doors with the plate of pancakes. Once the swinging door was opened, Gerard stepped into a large dining hall, equipped with a large wooden table and elegant wooden chairs. The table was covered in plates with fruit, bread, toast and eggs. Frank sat in the middle of one of the long ends of the table and he was having a lively discussion with Ray, Brendon, Bob and a few other men Gerard didn't recognize. It took a few seconds before Frank noticed his boyfriend standing there awkwardly.

"Gee!" He said excitedly. "I'm glad you're up! Are you hungry? Jeanie made us all a big spread, come help yourself". Frank motioned for Ray and an unknown man to scoot down and make room for another chair for Gerard, right next to Frank. He slowly made his way to his seat, his cheeks burning red as he was certain every man in that room was looking at him. Jeanie came behind Gerard and gently set an empty plate and cup in front of him. As the rest of the men resumed their conversation, Gerard leaned over and loaded up on scrambled eggs and waffles.

"Do you remember that piece of shit guy?!" Brendon laughed with his mouth full. "He was just fucking asking for trouble".

"Yeah and Frankie here blew his fucking brains out" Bob laughed darkly. The sudden realization of what was just said caused Gerard to suddenly drop his fork, clanging loudly against his plate. Frank reached out and grabbed Gerard's arm gently.

"They just talk a lot of shit" he said quietly with a small smile. "That's enough work talk" he said louder as he looked into Gerard's eyes. The gang of men quieted down again.

"What's on the agenda today, boss?" Ray spoke up.

"Well I promised Gee a shopping spree at Sweetwater Springs mall" Frank said with a warm smile. "Ray, you, Brendon, Patrick, and Pete will come with us. Bob you will drive." And with that breakfast was finished fairly quickly.


Gerard stood in Tone's Music Store scanning through records and CDs. Frank had left him with Ray and Pete saying he needed to run an important errand. Gerard hoisted his bags from Hot Topic and some cool boho shop  that he couldn't remember the name of. Gerard saw this music shop and begged Frank for him to go in.

Frank was only gone about fifteen minutes before appearing behind Gerard carrying with him a small white bag. He nearly jumped a foot when Frank started talking.

"Where did you go Frankie" he asked when his heartbeat returned to normal.

"I went and got you a surprise" Frank cooed as he reached into the bag and pulled out a brand new cell phone. "It's new" he said with a smile.

Gerard took it gently in his hand. "I already have one" he said before remembering it was probably on his fathers kitchen counter still. "Oh".

"Now you have a way to call me if you need to" Frank spoke gently. "I have to leave the house and get some work done, but you'll still have a way to get ahold of me if you need" he added. Frank took his phone out and dialed a few buttons before the phone in Gerard's hand started vibrating and ringing a tune of 'What's My Age Again' by blink 182. It even flashed the name Frankie across the screen with a little emoji heart. Gerard blushed. "Did you find some things you wanted, love?" Frank asked, noticing Gerard pawing through records like he was digging for treasure.

"You've already bought me so many expensive things" Gerard said shyly.

"I've told you, baby, you can have anything you want". Frank escorted Gerard to the counter where a girl not much older than 18 was ringing customers up. She had pitch black hair and side swept bangs, as well as several facial piercings. She saw Frank and instantly made goo goo eyes at him.

"What can I find for you" she smiled sweetly, completely ignoring Gerard. He couldn't help but feel a pang or jealousy.

"I'm just buying things for my boyfriend here" he said dismissively as he reached for his wallet and handed her his black credit card. She frowned at that but began scanning the records Gerard had found. Suddenly Franks phone began ringing.

"Gee, I have to take this call, can you finish up here?" Frank asked as he stared at his phone screen. Gerard nodded his head and turned back towards the cashier. By the time she had rung and bagged everything, she handed Gerard back Franks card and he turned to leave.

That's when Gerard noticed he was completely alone. Frank, Pete, Ray, Patrick And even Brendon we're all missing. He looked around the store in confusion until his pocket vibrated. Pulling out his new phone he saw a text from Frank.

You are being watched. Grab your bags and walk towards the mall exit


Haaa what's goin' down??? I'm trying to think how I want to end this story ... open ended for a sequel or closed. Oh well. I'll figure it out 😁

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