Chapter 15

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There are so many reads for this fic! And to think I was the only one who appreciated a good Frerard mafia fic💕


Watching the men prepare for this meeting was fascinating. They dressed in suit coats and ties. You would think everyone was going to a wedding. There was a thick silence in the air as Frank tied his black tie and smoothed the front of his button down shirt. He always made a point to look nice when he left the house, but sit downs were a whole different story.

You are sat at a table with your closest entourage and the same is for the opposing man. You can't use violence or weapons to get your point across, so you have to show your power and status symbol through how you dress. Suits and ties weren't mandatory but Frank required it. It shows elegance and class, he would always say. That was one of the first rule of joining his "family", having a work suit and a sit down suit.

Frank would be accompanied by Ray, Brendon, Dallon, Bob, Pete, Patrick, and Andy. The rest of the men would be sitting in SUVs outside, fully armed and loaded in case things went sour. Frank could only imagine who John would bring. They were older gangsters. "Originals" they liked to be called. They practically wrote the rule book but that didn't make them any less cruel or violent. Frank and his ruffians were younger and more versed in the day to day operations outside, but they still respected the rules.

Frank caught Gerard staring as he buttoned up his suit coat and ran his fingers through his hair, slicking it back. Frank's suit fit like a dream, form hugging but not tight. Gerard was completely entranced and Frank smiled a little.

"Like what you see, Gee?" He asked playfully. Gerard's eyes snapped up to meet Frank's through the mirror and he blushed.

"Those, uh, just look really good ... nice pants" he said embarrassed to be caught checking out his boyfriends ass.

"Yeah? Maybe I'll let you take them off of me later" Frank smirked. Gerard didn't immediately respond so Frank finished up and walked over to where he was sitting on the bed.

"Have you thought about what we talked about?" Frank asked quietly as he lifted Gerard's face by his chin to look into his eyes.

"I have" Gerard dragged out. "I'm just not sure what I want yet" he whispered.

"Whether you come back with me or stay with him, that will never change my love for you" Frank whispered, running his thumb along Gerard's bottom lip. The urge to kiss him became too strong and he leaned down, connecting their lips. Gerard whined into it softly. He wanted Frank to just fling him back on that bed and have his way with him, but time wouldn't allow it.

Before the kiss could deepen too much and become too heated, Frank reluctantly pulled away, panting. Frank tucked a piece of hair behind Gerard's ear and cupped his face affectionately. He glanced at his watch and sighed. "Ready, baby?" He spoke. Gerard nodded slowly. Interlacing their fingers together, the two men walked out of the bedroom and down towards the entry way.

There were about a dozen men standing around and chatting quietly as they waited for their boss, all of them dressed up. Once Frank and Gerard joined them, Frank nodded once towards Ray.

"Alright, you know the rules. Bryar, Stump, Wentz, Urie, Weeks and Hurley will be inside with me. No weapons, leave everything in the car. The rest of you will be spread out in three vehicles around the building. Nobody shoots or makes a move unless you hear shots. Understood?" All the men said yes in quiet unison.

"If anything should happen, Gerard needs to get to safety. If anyone is assassinated today it would be me, but I'll be damned if I let him become a casualty from our world" Frank spoke sternly. When Frank felt like everyone understood, he motioned for the front door, watching the men begin to file out. Never once did he loosen his grip on Gerard's hand, but Gerard didn't seem to mind because he was squeezing back just as hard.

Frank, Ray and Gerard were the last ones to walk out into the balmy night. Six black Cadillac SUVs were lined up in front of the house, the middle one left for the three men. Ray walked ahead to climb into the drivers seat while Frank ushered Gerard into the back, climbing in behind him.

The drive to the restaurant was silent and tense. Gerard was going back and forth with staying or leaving, he didn't even notice they had arrived. Scattered around the large parking lot were six or seven similar vehicles, vehicles Gerard recognized. His father was here.

Gerard's stomach flipped at the thought of seeing his dad again. The one man who raised him and loved him through everything. They were always so close and these last seven days being cut off from him hurt more than he thought it would. Frank must have sensed the sudden emotion because he hesitated until Gerard turned to him with tears in his eyes and a smile on his face.

"I'm ready" he said. Frank smiled back and opened the door, his men following suit. Things were about to kick off and Frank prayed they stayed some what calm. He never gave a fuck about dying but losing one of his men always hurt. He cared about all of them.

The eight men going inside did one last check to make sure they weren't walking in with anything. Frank had heard of many sit downs that went array when one man forgot about a knife in their boot or a gun in their holster. It was seen as a deliberate malicious act and it cost a lot of people dearly. Frank swore he would never make a mistake like that.

After that final check was good, they all made their way to the front door of the building, Frank and Gerard at the back of the group, both men's hearts beating so fast it could probably be heard by everyone else.

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