Chapter 1

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In this story, Frank is 30:

In this story, Frank is 30:

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And Gee is 21:

And Gee is 21:

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Gerard grabbed grocery bags from his passenger seat as he jogged from his car into the side door of his father's house. It had started raining lightly when he pulled up, and he wasn't a big fan of getting wet. Every Thursday Gerard and his father shared a homemade dinner of pasta that they cooked together. Ever since Gerard's mother died when he was a small child, John tried his best to keep his son sheltered yet living a normal life.

John Castellaneta was a Don to the Castellaneta Crime Family. He stole, laundered and murdered outside the walls of his mansion, but inside he was a wonderful husband and father.

When Gerard was first born, Donna begged John not to give him John's last name. "It will forever link him to the mob" she would say. John wanted Gerard to find his own path, and he prayed every night it wouldn't be in the mafia world. Don't get him wrong, John loved his job and what he did, but he understood the dangers. He didn't care if he lived or died but he cared if his wife or son paid the price for his sins. That's why he agreed to give Gerard Donna's last name of Way.

Tonight was the night that John would let the housekeepers and chef off for the evening while the father and son cooked and cleaned up together. These weekly meals became even more important to John when Gerard moved out a year ago.

Of course being the son of a mafia don meant John wouldn't let Gerard move into a place unless he fully inspected it. Inspected meaning he paid someone off on the security team to keep an extra close eye on Gerard and if something fishy was happening, he would alert John and his men right away. John wanted to take every precaution to not only protect Gerard but protect his innocence as well. A young twink like him could fall to a predator so easily.

John accepted Gerard with nothing but love and compassion when he came out as gay and when he said he wanted to do art for a living. Whatever made Gerard happy made John happy. Unfortunately for Gerard the only thing John wouldn't accept is his son finding love. At least not now. John always hoped he would set Gerard up with one of his men. Someone he trusted and knew well, but so far they were either married or not what John would want in a son in law.

But tonight, Gerard was going to share the news about his boyfriend. He had been dating Frank in secret for almost a year and he was truly in love with him. Although he didn't know much about Frank's personal life, he was very affectionate and made Gerard feel like a king. They met one night at a bar and Gerard was smitten ever since, but it was Frank that pursued him so relentlessly. Frank wined and dined Gerard, taking him to fancy restaurants and front rows of sold out concerts. Frank never pushed Gerard into anything he was uncomfortable with, he always respected that. After seven months of dating, Gerard begged Frank to have a more physical relationship. After asking over and over if he was sure and that once they did they couldn't take it back, Frank laid Gerard down on his black satin sheets and kissed him deeply and slowly, while taking the boy in every possible way he could. That night was the first night Gerard stayed over at Frank's apartment and as he fell asleep in Frank's arms, Frank knew he could never let this man go.

That obviously Gerard wouldn't share with his father but he wanted him to hear all about the man that made Gerard's heart soar. That, and Frank was so persistent to meet Gerard's father. Frank's parents died years ago and he was anxious to meet his beautiful boyfriends father.

Gerard didn't see John right away when he came in the side door but that wasn't unusual. This was the furthest from John's office besides the bedrooms so maybe he didn't hear him come in. As Gerard waited, he started unpacking their ingredients. Setting everything out, he thought he heard a thud. Gerard paused his movements to get a better listen. It almost sounded like ... like muffled yelling.

Gerard decided to check and see if maybe his father knocked something off the wall or was watching some loud movie. They were far fetched ideas, but substantially more plausible than what he would find.

Once he turned the corner to the long hall that had Johns office, the door suddenly flung open, freezing him in his place. What he saw scared him even more than the sudden startling noise. His father, sat on the floor in front of his desk, his hands bound in front of him and what looked like blood coming out of his nose. He was looking up at a large brutish man who stood in the doorway.

"We've warned you Castellaneta, you better cough up the dough or we'll paint your office walls red" the large blonde man growled. John and the stranger stared at each other in an intense stand off until his eyes flicked next to the large man's thigh where he saw Gerard. His eyes tripled in size and his face went white. The stranger must have noticed this because he turned around quickly to face Gerard.

His dark scowl turned into an evil smirk as he looked the boy up and down.

"Well hey there, angel" he cooed in a sickly sweet voice. "Are you lost?" As the stranger took a step towards Gerard, he was frozen into place, his panic only growing when three other strangers slowly walked out behind him. These weren't his fathers friends as he would call them. They were scary and might hurt his father. As the blonde stranger took another step towards Gerard, a surge of adrenaline kicked him into gear and he turned to run to the nearest opening, which was the stair case.

He ran as fast as he could, hearing heavy footsteps following him. Once in his old bedroom, he slammed the door shut and locked it with the overly excessive lock John insisted he have when he lived at home. Gerard backed away from the door as he heard banging against it, like someone was throwing all their weight into it. He could tell the lock wasn't going to hold long, and he needed a way out.

Gerard wanted to call Frank and beg him to come to the rescue. And he knew he would have if Gerard didn't stupidly leave his phone downstairs on the counter. Fuck. He needed to get out and hide until these men left. Pushing his window open, he crawled out just as his bedroom door started to give.

He was on the second floor, it couldn't be that far of a drop. There was a small roof of the sun room below that he stepped out on and was maybe another ten or twelve feet to the ground. He could do it. He peered over the edge trying to get his courage up until he turned to see the blonde stranger trying to pry open the window and get to Gerard. If he was going to jump, he needed to do it now.

He jumped off and tried to land in the grass on his feet, but as his feet touched the ground, his knees buckled under his weight and he was thrown backwards, hitting his head on the ground, hard. He wasn't knocked unconscious but Gerard was definitely seeing stars. Once his vision wasn't quadruple anymore and he could focus again, he realized he was looking directly at the blonde stranger, a curly haired stranger and a dark haired stranger, all smirking down at him.

"Hello again, princess" the blonde sneered, as the curly headed man held up a roll of duct tape.


Here we go again! I loved your guys comments and votes from the last fic and like I said, I have a lot of ideas so here is another one!

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