Sam knows

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You quietly opened the door because you thought that Sam was asleep, but when you opened the door Sam was awake waiting for you. He leaned in and kissed you putting his arms around your waist. You moved back from him.

“Holly what’ wrong? Did I do something?” Sam asked sadly. You went to the bathroom and he followed. You took off your shirt reliving your sports bra and a few big bruises. You turned to Sam so he could see that it wasn’t his fault. Sam went up to you and puts his fingers on your bruises. You could feel his cold fingers on your bruises. “Babe, who did this to you?”

“The same person who made my life miserable and made me start to do the razor thing.” I whispered to him. Your phone buzzed. You picked it up and saw that it was a text message. Sam saw your face and he grabbed your phone and turned it off. He leaned in and kissed you again. He managed to find your hands and felt your cast. He looked down. He helped you put on new bandages for your cuts. Both of you guys walked to the bed and went to sleep. The next day came, Sam and you didn’t have anything at the convention to do. Sam and you still went down to the convection center .

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2014 ⏰

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