Chapter 12 | "Yes."

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Note: this chapter is kinda long because it's the last! :D yay! It actually ends the way I want season 5 will end, but without the cliffhanger. I'm happy there's gonna be 16 episodes! Anyway enjoy the finale, Lucifans!😈 or non Lucifans who are just reading this because they feel like it...?....Whoever is reading this, enjoy! 😂

20 minutes later

Setting: Precinct 

Chloe's POV

Chloe and Lucifer walked in like nothing happened.

Dan walked up to them. "I'm supposing... you didn't get the killer?"

"No, unfortunately we got interrupted in the undercover thing. We'll redo that later probably... But—Daniel, I think it's best you sit down." Lucifer informed him. "I doubt your douchey brain can handle this standing up."


"Exactly." The Devil pointed to Dan's office. "In there. Go."


"Go on!" Lucifer looked at Chloe. "You as well, det—other detective."

Chloe rolled her eyes and gestured Dan to follow her.

The three of them walked into the office and looked at each other. 

"So... what happened?"

"Daniel," Lucifer snapped his fingers and pointed at a chair. "Sit."

Dan awkwardly sat in the chair.

"Good Daniel."

"Do I look like a dog?"

"Yes, a douchey dog with a police badge," Lucifer grabbed Dan's badge from his belt. "That says 'Los Angeles police' on it—"

"Give that back." The detective snatched his badge from him and clipped it back on. "Just tell me what happened!"

"Alright, Fine. Here we go." Lucifer took a deep breath. "The detec—Chloe— was killed by a demon and I brought her back to life. There, I said it."

Dan cocked his head. "Sorry— say that again?"

"I died." Chloe spoke up.

"You what now?"

"I died! I stopped breathing! My heart stopped beating! I died!Twice! Can you believe that?" Chloe laughed, but then suddenly broke into seriousness. "I DIED!"

Dan sat there, speechless. His eyes looking like they were about to pop out of his head.

"...Perhaps his douchey brain can't handle it sitting down either." The Devil remarked.

"No, he's just reacting to the news. Give him a second."

After a while Dan's blue eyes finally blinked and looked back at Chloe. "You... died? Like you—legitimately died, and now you're... alive?"

Chloe nodded. "First Amenadiel brought me back and then Lucifer did."


Lucifer smirked at him. "Yes Amenadiel is an angel, Daniel."

"Oh my—god.."

"...perhaps, God is somewhat involved in this." Lucifer rolled his eyes.

"...Hold on." Dan stood up suddenly, flinging the chair across the room. "Does that mean—Maze is—"

"A demon, yes, indeed."

"And that—that Eve girl you were with—"

"Is Eve from the Garden of Eden. Yes, Daniel. It's all true. And we aren't together anymore, that's already taken care of."

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