Chapter 11 | "Bye bye heartless demon"

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Note: this is just what I'm assuming Heaven would look like based on the details they gave in the show, and how angels would speak with one another with their mind through praying; as seen in an episode where Lucifer attempts to call Amenadiel to send his mom back to Hell and where he calls for him to stop a race car in a bonus episode. Also I don't know how the gates of Heaven work either, so I just made some things up. Lol.

Also according to Lucifer, Dromos is known to be stupid, I'm guessing he can fall for tricks easily.

 Anyway enjoy.

Setting: Heaven

Lucifer's POV

Lucifer flew farther and farther up into the sky until he reached Heaven. He landed on a concrete platform in front of white gates. He tried to open them but they stayed locked. "Bloody hell." he kicked them, but they stayed closed.

"You can't stop me, dad." Lucifer lifted his wings high into the air as they began to glow brighter than the sun. "Maybe throwing your son to Hell wasn't the best idea, was it? Cause, I'm still the lightbringer!" He hated being called that, but he needed a way to convince God to let him into Heaven. "All I ask is this one time! I promise I'll stay down on earth forever after I bring the detective back!" 

The gates remained shut.

"Ugh. Fine, we'll do this the hard way." The Devil stepped back, then ran at full speed toward them. They still wouldn't open. He kept slamming himself into the gates until he ran out of breath and sat down. He eventually had an idea. I need to call Amenadiel. 

Meanwhile on earth

Setting: Lux

Amenadiel's POV

Amenadiel walked into the club and looked around. "Lucifer? Are you here?" He then spotted Chloe dead on the floor. He gasped and ran over to her. "Chloe? Oh no..."

Suddenly he heard a familiar voice in his head. 

Brother you have to help me.

The angel put his hands together and closed his eyes. Lucifer? He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. The Devil's voice sounded discouraged and scared. Something was clearly wrong.

Yes, it's me brother. I'm at the gates of Heaven, I tried to break in and bring Chloe back but I—I can't. Please help ASAP. Before it's too late.


Amenadiel tried to get more information but he lost his brother's signal.  

"Well, here goes nothing." The angel unfolded his wings and flew up to Heaven.

Setting: Heaven

the rest of this chapter is Lucifer's POV

Amenadiel landed on the platform in front of the gates. "Luci what were you thinking?" 

"I..." The Devil looked up at his brother. "I just wanted to bring her back.."

"Why couldn't you just call me to go revive her?"

"Because I need to do it myself this time." 


"Brother please, open the gates and let me handle it myself."

"You're insane! What is father going to do about this?"

"DON'T KNOW, DON'T CARE!" Lucifer exclaimed in anger. 

Amenadiel nodded and stood in front of the gates, making them open suddenly. "Go."

Lucifer ran in and flew towards the Silver City.

All of the angels looked at him and started whispering to each other.

An archangel gave him a look of confusion and flew up to him. "Lucifer how on earth did you—"

"Mind your own business." Lucifer snarled and flew away from him.

The archangel watched the lower ranked angel suspiciously as he flew away. 

Lucifer flew towards where the souls were at. "Chloe! It's me Lucifer!"

Chloe's soul turned around and looked at him. "Wait—how did you get in here?"

"Long story."

Setting: streets of Los Angeles

Lucifer landed on the side of the street with Chloe in his arms and folded his wings. 

"How did you do that? I thought you were banned from Heaven."

The Devil set her down. "Oh Amenadiel let me in, long story really."

Chloe nodded.

"At least you're alive again... now I need to find Dromos. I have an idea. You stay here. He needs to believe you're still dead in order for this to work."

The detective nodded again.

Setting: Lux

Lucifer walked into the club. 

"Oh you're back." Dromos turned around to face him.

Lucifer forced a sad expression on his face, in order to make Dromos believe him. "You know... you really have no reason to be on earth anymore. I've already decided I'm not going back to Hell... and since the detective is dead you don't have to try and ruin my life anymore. You win, it's over." He moved his head down.

Dromos gave his king a smug smile. "I suppose you're right! I should return. But who will run Hell?"

"Nobody. You all can handle yourselves." Lucifer mumbled just loud enough for Dromos to hear.

"Oh right! We can, I forgot."

"So, are you gonna get packing or not?"

"Sure, I mean... home here I come! Right?" The demon laughed and walked up the staircase.

When Dromos was totally out of the building Lucifer couldn't help but smile. Bye bye heartless demon.

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