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"Oh no I'm late!!!"Deku cried as he frantically ran past people on the side walk in a attempt to get to UA in time for home room.As he ran he saw ahead of him that he would crash into a unsuspecting woman who was on her phone texting,not paying attention to the small boy about to crash into her.Deku couldn't stop in time and he ran straight into the woman knocking her over.Suddenly a big poof occurred and a group gathered around the scene consisting of the Bakusquad.
It took a minute for the smoke from the poof to clear.There lying on the floor was a the woman and a bundle of clothes on the floor which was for some reason squirming around.Mina went to get help the woman up who was fine aside from a few scrapes.But Denki and Sero were more curios about what was in the bundle of clothes.
"What are you guys doing over there?"Kirishima called to the two boys.
"Somethings up with this bundle of clothes over here..."
Kirishima walked over to the bundle of clothes and opened it up.
"Oh my gosh!There's a baby in here!Kirishima said wrapping the baby up in the clothes and cradling it in his arms.
The Woman who got knocked over went started to panic a little.
"Oh my gosh,I'm so sorry!My quirk can turn people to baby's and when the boy ran into me my quirk acted up and turned him into a baby!"She exclaimed as she apologized profusely.
Bakugou went over to Kirishima who still was cradling the baby who was now crying loudly as Kiri attempted to try and calm him down.Bakugou took the baby and somehow calmed him down almost instantly.
"Guys,this is the damn nerd!"Bakugou told them as he showed them that it was Deku.
After freaking out about what to do they all realized that they were super late for school and decided to tell Mr.Aizawa about what had happened to Deku.
Time skip!(They're at UA)

Bakusquad burst through the doors of the classroom.
"Why are you all so late?Mr. Aizawa questioned us.
Before any of the Bakusquad could respond,Mr.Aizawa took notice to the small baby in Bakugou hands and immediately  took the child out of his hands and looked at the baby.
  "Why do you all have a baby!?Who's baby is he!?"Mr Aizawa shouted but not loud enough to frighten baby Deku.
"That's Midoriya,he got hit by a quirk on his way to school and now he's a baby! Kiri said in response.
Mr.Aizawa had a look of shock on his face as he looked at baby Deku.Mr.Aizawa  took baby Deku out of the room while the Bakusquad took their seats.Bakugou, of course put his legs up on the desk which just made Iida tell him to take his legs off of the desk.Bakugou just cussed him out,Iida was made but no amount of bickering with Bakugou would solve the problem so he just sat down and gave up.Mr.Aizawa came back into the room with a serious look on his face.
"Listen up!Midoriya will be in this form for about 2 weeks as of Recovery girl so this entire class will have to take care of Midoriya until he turns back to normal!Is that clear?"
"Yes sir!"

This is my first story and I am pretty proud of myself!Please don't be too harsh on my as I am new to this.I would appreciate any tips you have to give me about writing.That's all I have to say.
                               This has been Nova,Signing out!

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