Here we go again

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Chapter 1

"I present to you Mr. And Mrs.Puckerman" Rabbi Greensburg announces with joy. If you would have told Rachel Berry that 5 years ago she was going to be marrying Noah Puckerman she would have ran away from you saying you were crazy. She just thinks back to that one day back in the choir room where this all began......(FlashBack)........

5 years ago......Rachel's p.o.v...

Great, now I'm late to glee cause one of those stupid puck heads decides to slushy me and I had to go home and change. I walk into the chior room and everyone is waiting for me to begin. "Finally midget", Santana says, I just roll my eyes and take a seat next to Finn and wait for Mr.shue to start talking.Mr.shue goes up to the board and writes duets , great nobody here likes me so this week is going to be hell. He first calls Artie up and he pulls out santana ,which doesn't look to happy. He then calls up mike who gets Mercedes and then Brittany who gets Finn. Finally its just Quinn,Matt,Noah,and me.Quinn goes up aenjoyed.s out Matt, well my week is going to get worst because this means I'm paired up with non other Noah puckerman.Mr shue tells us to go talk to our partners and sign up for our performance time. Noah comes up to me and says to come over at five so we could practice.....pucks p.o.v....

I can't believe my luck I get partnered with Rachel berry, the girl I've been in love with since 5th grade and now I have a chance. At five o'clock I here the doorbell ring and i run downstairs to find Rachel waiting for me. I quickly let her in and take her upstairs to my room,"so do you have any song ideas", she asks. "Ya, um I thought we could maybe do animals by neon trees", I say." That would be a great song, let's start practicing", she exclaims. At 9 o'clock we stop practing and decide to watch a movie, she snuggles up next to me and can't help to think that it should always be this way.

Well there is my first chapter I hope you enjoyed

Here we go again-PuckleberryWhere stories live. Discover now