Here we go again

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Chapter 11

.....Noah's p.o.v...

I am pissed and i want to beat the living crap out of dave and who ever helped him do this to my rachel. I am walking down the hall and everyone keeps looking at me but i dont give a damn right now. I see dave and i go up to him... "Hey puck hows-" i tackle him to the floor and start pinching him and the only thing i see is red...... Then im being pulled away and my knuckles are bleeding and dave is lying on the floor and isnt moving. I look up to see Matt and Mike pulling me away and into the choir room. "Puck what the hell is wrong with you, why were you about to kill karofsky?!?" "He tried to rape rachel and thunks he can get away with it!!!" "Dude im so sorry but right now rachel needs you and you cant get in trouble for beating up dave." Damn it i didnt even think of me getting in trouble and having to leave rachel here alone with dave..

----- A few hours later-----

Well i got suspended for 5 days and rachel is freakin out and i keep telling her it will be okay and is starting to calm down cause santana and mercedes are taking her to the mall to change up her look which is good cause it'll take her mind off of things. I give her a kiss and tell her that ill drive her to school tomorrow.

..... Rachel's p.o.v..

Im kind of back to normal but im really glad that tana and cedes are taking me to the mall. I really want to dye my haur and just change my whole wardrobe.. "Hey do you guys think i should dye my hair?" "B that would look amazing"tana replies with a smirk on her face. "Ill go get my hair dyed while you guys get my clothes then we'll meet up at the food court............

My hair looks amazing and i feel so different i just hope that noah likes it.... I see the girls and they're staring at me with there mouths open and say that i look amazing (pic on top or side of what her hair looks like)


Authors note
Well im sorry i havent updated but here you go and i hope you enjoy

Here we go again-PuckleberryWhere stories live. Discover now