Chapter Ten

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I get up and start getting ready for school. My stomach feels a little queasy but I ignore it. It isn't until I am putting my makeup on that I feel really sick. I suddenly run to the toilet and throw up. Feeling nasty I brush my teeth and continue getting ready.

"B, are you okay? I thought I heard you throwing up." I nod.

"I was, but I'm fine now."

"I don't know. I think you should stay home from school." He says. I shake my head.

"No, I'll be fine." I say but I know that I'm lying. My stomach is still turning. He nods. I go to eat breakfast and after I'm done I know that I won't last through this day. I run back to the bathroom and throw up again. Miles follows me and holds my hair back.

"That's it. You're staying home." He says. I shake my head.

"No, I have to go. It's almost the end of the year. I can't just not go." Miles laughs.

"Babe you can go back when you're well again." I begin to shake my head but then throw up again so I give up and flush the toilet. I lay down on the floor for a second before getting up, brushing my teeth, and washing my face. I put on some yoga pants and an old t-shirt that's way too big for me. I lay down in bed and surround myself in blankets.

Miles lays down beside me. I look up at him.

"What are you doing?" I ask him.

"Cuddling with you till you feel better." He replies. I shake my head and scoot farther away.

"No, I don't want to get you sick." I reply. He scoots closer to me and I scoot further away. He scoots closer to me again and before I can scoot away he wraps me in his arms and holds me close to him.

"I don't care if I get sick. You are going to be my wife soon and I am supposed to help you through sickness and in health." He says grinning. I groan but end up laughing and cuddling into his chest.

"I love you, you goofball." I say before I fall asleep in my arms.

"Hey B, I'm gonna go to the store to get some tomato soup. Are you going to be okay alone?" I nod. He leaves and I get up off the couch.

I put in Allegiant Part Two and sit back on the couch. I notice my phone has a blinking blue light so turn it on and open up my text messages to see I have a text from Miles. I laugh. Sometimes he's so overprotective.

Are you sure you're okay without anyone there. I can ask Shai and Theo to come over if you want.~M

Miles I'm fine. Just don't be too long okay. I love you. ~B

I text him back. He texts me k and I back to watching the movie that brought us together.

"I want to help." I complain. Miles is making bags of gold, just like my mom used to when I was little. He shakes his head.

"Nope, you just sit down and relax." He says. I make a pouty face but he just shakes his head and looks away. "Oh no you don't. Not this time. I'm cooking for you now go lay down." He says. I groan but go sit on the couch anyways. I'm bored so I decide to sit upside down and stare at the ceiling.

"I'm almost done okay?" He says. I nod. He laughs and I get up and go back to the bedroom. I go on kik and message Bethany.

Hey chika what up? I send.

Nm she sends.

Ichabos you're on kik! We haven't talked on kik in forever! Kait sends. I laugh.

Yeah, we haven't huh? I send back. Beth sends lol.

So what are you guys up to? Beth sends.

Making another video with Nash. Kait sends I roll my eyes. Of course she's hanging out with Nash.

Whoa there Kait. What kind of video? I send joking. Beth sends lol again and then four dots.

A YouTube video. Gosh Bri don't be so dirty minded. I laugh. So what are you up to Bri?

Oh just sitting in the master bedroom waiting for dinner to be done. I'm sick today so Miles won't let me do anything.

Haha go Miles. Beth sends.

That's right he better be treating you right or I'll stab him in the eye with a butter knife. Kait sends I laugh.

Brian, I know you don't see it like this but that is quite adorable. You couldn't have a better man. My friend Aubrey says. She goes by Trillie. Aubrey has been calling me Brian since 6th grade. It started because she said I needed a guy name after I started gluing fake mustaches on my face all the time with my other friend Sydney.

Ik it's just kind of annoying. I send Bethany sends oh.

"B, dinner's ready." Miles says walking into the room. I cheer and he laughs.

Gotta go guys. Dinner is finally ready. I send before putting my phone down on the night stand and walking out to the kitchen.

After dinner we sit down in the living room. I turn on the tv and Miles wraps his arms around me. We cuddle while I flip through the channels. Miles gets a call and he gets up to go answer it.

I decide on Entertainment Tonight and turn it on. Miles is asking as bunch of questions to whoever he's talking to until he hangs up. He tries to get me to change the chsnnel. At first in confused until I watch more closely. That's when everything goes crazy.

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