Chapter Two

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My phone buzzes again. Without drawing attention to myself I look at the text. It's from Miles.

Sup B?


I laugh and the class turns to look at me. I turn bright red and the proffesor turns to look at me. I turn the screen of my phone off so he can't see it.

"What is so funny, Brionna?" He says. Oh my god. Why do all my teachers call me Brionna? It's Brianna people.

"It's nothing sir." I say. "I just, was thinking about a joke my friend said earlier." Now I'm texting in class and lying. What has this world come to? "I just understood it." The proffesor rolls his eyes and continues his lesson. I didn't know proffesors even did that kind of thing.

Thanks M. You just got me in trouble. Jk Jk, ily.


I look back at the proffesor. What was he talking about again? Before I can even remember what the lesson was about Miles texts me back.

What? What happened? Ily too.


The professor turns his back so I text Miles back.

I laughed so everyone looked at me and now they all think I'm a dumb blonde.


Lol! What did you tell them?


I lied and told them that I was thinking about some joke a friend said earlier and I just understood it. Also why do people always call me Brionna? My name is freaking Brianna!


Texting in class and lying? Why am I so turned on by this? And Lol.


I do my best not to laugh but I end up letting out a quiet giggle.

Maybe it's because I'm so smexy?

~ B

Yep that's it. You're so god damn smexy.


Ugh when will this dang class be over?


Y? What are you planning on doing to me?


I meant so I can be done with this boredom. But sure we'll go with that. Lol ily.


Lol Ily 2


"Someone please tell me the answer to this equation." Says the professor. He is walking towards my aisle so I put my phone away.

"How about you Brionna?" Oh crap. Of course he picks me. The one time I don't pay attention and he picks me.

"Actually sir it's Brianna." He rolls his eyes again. Seriously who knew teachers rolled their eyes?

"Correct me if I'm wrong, but I asked you to solve the equation not teach me how to pronounce your name." Rolling his eyes and talking back? This teacher seems more like a teenager than a teacher.

"I'm sorry sir." I say.

"Just answer the question." I nod and look at the board. What are we talking about?

I'll Be: Sequel to BrilesWhere stories live. Discover now