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"I mean, are you sure you want to take me?"

"Noah, if you ask me that one more time I'll start to think you just don't want to go with me." I rolled my eyes. Noah was quiet and I frowned. "Do you want to go with me?"

He looked up quickly. "Yeah! Yeah, of course..." He trailed off.

I continued walking and he followed after me. It was Christmas Day today, and I had gone down to the Great Hall to eat before everyone else woke up. Noah was the only other fourth year in there that I knew, so we were just hanging out since then.

"Whatever. Your turn." I tell him.

"Um, okay. What's your favorite color?" He grinned as we made our way back into the castle from the courtyard.

I laughed. "Wow, deep, Noah. But probably green or silver. You?"

"Dark cyan blue." He answered. I stopped and looked at him, my jaw hanging open. He grinned. "What?"

"Noah, what the bloody hell is dark cyan blue?" I shook my head and continued walking as we both laughed. "I'm going to go back to my common room now, I'll see you later?"

He nodded. "See you."

I turned and headed back down to the dungeons where the Slytherin common room was located. The second I entered, I was confronted by familiar faces and voices. But they were irritated.

"What did I do now?" I wince.

Draco stepped forward. "Let's see. We all come into the common room, and you're not there. I ask if you're in the girl's dorms, Pansy says no, we all panic."

I rolled my eyes. "I'm fine, guys. I was just out in the courtyard because I woke up early." I explained. Draco took my hand and led me back to the couches surrounding the Christmas tree. We sat and the others sat, too.

I had already gotten everyone's gifts early in the year so I didn't have to stress over it now. We all exchanged our gifts. I got a broom cleaning kit from Eli, a new set of Slytherin gloves, a hat, and a scarf from Blaise, and a new Slytherin Quidditch sweater from Pansy.

Eli, Blaise, and Pansy all quickly left after they had given and received their gifts, eager to get food from the Great Hall. That left Draco and I. I turned to him. "You giving yours first, or me?" I asked.

"You give yours first." He smirked slyly. I rolled my eyes by obliged. I gave him my gift. It was a ring. It was simple- a plain silver band with a green steel line in the middle of the silver. On the inside, etched into it, read Serpent Girl. "It's beautiful..." He trailed off. "How much did this cost?"

I waved my hand. "Unimportant." He frowned. I held up my hand. I was wearing the same ring as he was, except mine had Snake Boy etched into it. "I have one too!"

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