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The sky spins quickly and comes to a stop once I land roughly on the ground. My teeth clamp down on my lip, making it bleed. I winced. "Son of a-"

"Shh." Ron cuts me off.

We all look up to see Mr. Weasley, Amos Diggory, and Cedric gracefully peddling down as if riding invisible bikes. The land on their feet in front of us. "Bet that cleared your sinuses, eh?" Cedric grinned, extending a hand to help me up. I scowl, spit blood near his feet and get up myself.

"Someone's in a bad mood." Ron mumbled as he and the others stood as well. I rolled my eyes and ignored the ginger.

As I stood, Ron grabbed my arm and pulled me to face the same way he was looking. "Look at that!" He exclaimed. There were hundreds of tents set up. 

"Bloody hell!" I cried. Ron and I shared a look and then dashed forwards to the group of hundreds of wizards celebrating.

"Well, kids, welcome to the Quidditch World Cup!" Mr. Weasley exclaimed. We start through the crowd and I walk in the front between Harry and Ron. "Stay together! Keep up, girls." He tells Hermione and Ginny.

As we walk by all the tents, I slap the boy's chests quickly and point to a large Irish flag hanging from a doorway. "That's who's going to win tonight." I smirk, knowing they were rooting for Bulgaria.

"I wouldn't be too sure," Ron grins back. As we begin to part with Cedric and Amos Diggory, Cedric gives me a small wave which I ignore and turn to the twins.

"How many bets have you two made so far?" I grinned, inspecting the box George was carrying.

"Approximately twenty." Fred says matter-of-factly.

My jaw drops. "Fred, we've been here for five minutes!"

"Maybe it's my charming looks." He smirks. George rolled his eyes.

"Well, Freddie, I think it's about time to get more bets, right?" He raises his eyebrows. Fred nods and they sulk off. I sigh and return to Harry and Ron.

Mr. Weasley had set up the tent and I walked inside. I was still to this day amazed that a small tent could be so big on the inside. "Girls, go ahead and pick your bunks first." Mr. Weasley tells Hermione, Ginny, and I. We obey. "Ron get out of the kitchen, we're all hungry." 

I laugh.

As we made our way to our seats, I wrapped my green and white scarf around my neck and used the twin's face paint to make green and white stripes across my face.

Harry and I made a bet using Fred and George's machine since he was rooting for Bulgaria, and I Ireland.

"Woah, look at those!" Harry cries, pointing over to a man selling omnioculars. 

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