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"I can't help but but notice my change of feelings for you. I think we need to talk. Write soon. Love, Snake Boy!"

"What do you mean? I'm not ready for anything serious, please explain. Love, Serpent Girl!"


I chased the twins through the house. It was late at night and we were annoying the living daylights out of Molly.

Ron rushed down the stairs and grabbed the stack of papers from the twins. With Fred and George protecting him, he read aloud,

"I think you know what I mean. I have feelings for you. As more than just a friend... Snake Boy!"

"RONALD!" I screamed, lunging at him but getting held back by Fred and George.

"Giovanna, pipe down!" Molly yelled angrily from the living room. Using my strength I had gotten from quidditch, I pushed past the twins and tackled Ron to the ground, ripping the letters from his grasp.

"Oi Ron! Don't have any strength, do you?" George rolls his eyes.

"Great going Ronald. Way to win this." Fred slowly claps sarcastically.

"I tried-" Ron started as we stood up.

"You three are officially the worst people in the world," I growled at them, angered beyond control.

"Well..." George trails off.

"Can you at least tell us what you said back to him?" Fred grins.

I scowled at them. "No! I said no! I said I didn't feel the same way!"

This shocked them into silence. "Happy?" I raised my eyebrows.

"You don't like him? I- I thought you did. What changed?" Ron asks.

"I'm not sure if I like him. And even if I did, I wouldn't tell him. I only just turned fourteen, I don't need to worry about romances." I explained. "Now if I see any of you go through my things again I swear on Merlin's beard I will chop your bloody hands off and shove them up your-"

"Woah, woah, woah. Easy there," A new voice cut me off. Ginny had come over from her bedroom. "Now, now, Giovanna, let's take a deep breath, shall we? And boys, scram, before I hex you."

They knew Ginny's hexes. They hurried away.

Ginny and I went into my bedroom. I jumped face-first onto the bed and groaned into my pillow. They really are the worst.

"I think someone needs some sleep." Ginny laughs.

I roll over onto my back. "Desperately."

"Alright, well, get some. I'll be your bodyguard and make sure they don't come back in here." She grins.

"Thanks, Gin, you're the best. Goodnight." I grin back thankfully.

"Goodnight." She closes the door and after yawning, then turning off the lights, I fall into a very restless sleep.

I entered a dream that was so real, it almost felt like a reality. I had to convince myself it wasn't. It didn't... feel... like most dreams, though. It felt different.

I was in a dark room. It was nighttime, and the room was only lit with a few candles. From my view, it almost seemed like I was laying on the floor. That is, until I started moving. I realized I was a snake. What a bloody strange dream.

'I' slithered to the window and looked out. I saw an old man limping from a hut, making his way to the building I was in. I exited the room I was in and hid in near the entrance of the building as the old man entered.

Then I followed him up the stairs, back to the room I was just in. I was close to his heels, and I I could hear his heartbeat.

Whispers could be heard from the room I had come from. I hadn't realized there were others in there before. I noticed a faint ache in my forearm, where my scar was, but brushed it off. That thing hasn't hurt in three years.

I listened to the voices. "Oh no no no my Lord Voldemort. I only meant, perhaps if we were to do it without the two-"

A small, raspy voice replied, "No! They are everything, it cannot be done without them, and it will be done exactly as I say!"

We reach the door and I glide past the old man, making him jump. I wanted to apologize, but I wasn't actually here. I don't usually apologize or be nice, but when it came to old people, that's a different story.

When I re-entered the room the first face I saw belonged to Peter Pettigrew. I instantly grow angry and wanted nothing more than to kill him on the spot. Pettigrew was standing by a chair that housed someone I couldn't see yet.

A new face rushed forward, bowing by the chair in front of Pettigrew. He had an unfamiliar face, I didn't recognize him. 

"I will not disappoint you, my Lord." He whispers.

"Good. First, gather our old comrades. Send them a sign."

The old man watched from the doorway, I could feel the fear radiating inside him. 'I' slithered over to the chair and spoke to the... thing.. in it. In parseltongue.

"The muggle man is here..." My head pointed to the door. "There.." I realized it wasn't I that was speaking, but whatever snake I was in.

The thing in the chair turned to the door. "Nagini tells me the old caretaker is standing outside the door."

Pettigrew jumped to stand in the doorway and looked at the old man. The old man looked terrified. I felt a sickening sense of amusement, which wasn't my own.

"Step aside, Wormtail." The thing said, and Pettigrew moved out of the way. "I need to give our guest a proper greeting."

A loud spell erupted through the room, and with a flash of green light, I awoke sharply.

The back of my shirt stuck to me with sweat. I was shaking with fear of my realization.

That thing was Voldemort.

The dull ache in my arm turned to a searing pain.

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