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THE DARK MARK is a sign no one had forgotten within the fourteen years of its absence. It was once a sign that people dread coming home and seeing. With bad luck, you would arrive to your house after work only to find it hanging evilly in the sky above your roof, marking that someone had died within those walls. It was a sign that caused fear and destruction.

Fear, destruction, and disappearance. No one had seen it for fourteen years. Although, it's never really gone, is it? Not when it's inked into every Death Eater's forearm- a mark of their loyalty, or a mark of their fate they can't escape. Even if they wanted to.

Harry and Giovanna Potter had never seen the Dark Mark. Not until the Quidditch World Cup, that is. After a night they'd never forget, they realize what the Dark Mark truly means. It means Voldemort is out there, stronger than he had been when he was a mere memory in a diary, or a mere creature possessing Quirrell.

And although that thought is a terrifying one, they have other things to deal with. Things that are much closer than where ever He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named was lying right now. Granted, the events are sure to all be tied together, but the twins are more worried about battling a dragon and staying underwater for an hour.

Because at Hogwarts this years, the Triwizard Tournament is being hosted. And the Potter twins's names have come from the Goblet of Fire. Only- they weren't the ones that put them in there. And they are faced, once again, with a battle they didn't ask for.

A battle within the Tournament, and a battle with certain people without.

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