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I had met back up with Harry, Hermione, and Ron for the last ten minutes of the train ride. Harry basically bolted off the train when he saw Hagrid waiting outside, dragging us with him.

"Hi, Hagrid!" Harry grinned as we hopped down off the train. I wave with a smile.

"All righ' Harry?" Hagrid asked, waving. "See yeh at the feast if we don' drown!" He laugh, gesturing to the first years.

"Oh, I wouldn't fancy crossing the lake in this weather," Hermione shivered in the chilly air. A few raindrops scatters my forehead as I looked up at the dark clouds.

I watched a first years get into the rickety boats to cross the river and shrugged. "Eh, sucks to suck. Come on," I waved my friends over to the carriages. The rain got heavier as we get into a carriage.

The drive goes by painfully slow as we trudge through the pouring rain and thunder. We all eagerly exited the carriages and hurried quickly into the great hall. "See you guys later," I said goodbye to the three Gryffindors and crossed over to the Slytherin table. In my usual spot across from Draco, and in between Eli and Pansy.

"Eli!" I cheered, hugging the boy tightly. I pulled away, tears filling my eyes.

"Woah there, bitch, why're you crying?" He grins and I laugh through my tears.

"You're a seventh year, I won't see you again." I wipe my tears and hug him again.

"I'll visit you every year, darling. I know Im charming, don't miss me too much." Eli flipped his imaginary hair, since his was short, obviously.

"Okay, you'd better. Let's just enjoy this year, though." I smiled a little as Eli wipes my tears away.

And with that, the sorting ceremony began.

Dumbledore began to make his announcements and I wasn't really paying attention until quidditch was mentioned. "It is also my painful duty to inform you that the Inter-House Quidditch Cup will not take place this year."

I instantly jumped to my feet. "What?!" I exclaimed, angry. Eli jumped up to and said, "Hey, bro, Professor, Dumbley, it's my last year. What the heck?"

Anyone else would've gotten in trouble, but Dumbledore knew it was Eli. "Mister Jones, if you must, you may come back next year as an assistant coach to the Slytherin team with Madam Hooch."

Eli nodded. "Fine. Deal." And sat down, dragging me with him.

Dumbledore continues. "This is due to an event that will be starting in October, and continuing throughout the school year, taking up much of the teacher's time and energy. But I am sure you will all enjoy it immensely."

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