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"He hasn't come back to Hogsmeade?" Ron asked on our way to potions. We were talking about Sirius. I felt bad, but I hadn't been thinking about him too much this year. This has been a busy year.

"It doesn't look like it, does it?" Hermione sighs.

"I can't believe him." Harry shakes his head. "If he got caught..."

"No." I stop him. "He's gotten this far- not to mention, his years of pranking with Dad here. He didn't get caught."

"And it's not the dementors are everywhere anymore." Ron added.

"There they are!" A familiar female voice exclaimed. We turned to see Pansy with my usual Slytherin group. "Hey, Granger, you night find something that interests you in this!" Pansy tosses Hermione a newspaper.

It was all about how Hermione was a player who messed with Krum and Harry's hearts. Pansy has some quotes in the article backing up the fact that Hermione was a hoe. Not in those exact words, obviously.

I laughed loudly and pointed to a line in the article. "Pansy? Pretty and vivacious? Where?" I laugh harder until there's tears in my eyes. Harry looks at me in amusement. "Hermione, don't listen to anything that cow Rita Skeeter writes, or anything that pug-face says."

Hermione nodded a little as I walked with Draco to find another table. He smiles a little and takes my hand. "I love that you don't care in the slightest about these articles, but be careful before one's about you."

"She can write all she wants." I rolled my eyes. "She'll be speaking to my manager." I smirked.

"And who's that?"

I frowned, thinking, before my face lit up. "Eli," I said, making Draco and I both laugh.

Hagrid took Hermione, Harry, Ron, and I for a walk later that night through the woods to clear our heads and forget about the stress for a little.

"I remember when I first met you all," Hagrid speaks up as we walk, "Biggest bunch of misfits I ever set eyes on. Suppose you all remind me of myself a little. And here we are, four years later."

"We're still a bunch of misfits." Ron says, and we laugh.

"Well, we got each other. And our twins, of course!" Hagrid exclaimed. Harry and I had split from the other three, walking together a few feet away. "Soon to be the youngest Triwizard Champions there's every been! Hooray!"

"Hogwarts, Hoggy Hoggy Hogwarts, teach us something, please!" Hermione and Hagrid began to sing as Ron laughed at them.

I laughed a little, too, until harry tugged on my sleeve. I looked at him and saw him looking forward. I noticed a familiar hat laying on the ground. Harry and I walked towards it, and looked around the tree trunk it was near. I gasped and grabbed Harry's arm at what we saw.

"Guys!" Harry called to the other three. They came over.

Barty Crouch's lifeless body was laying in the ground. "Merlin's beard..." I trailed off, my hands covering my mouth.

"Oh dear," Hagrid said when he saw it. "Okay, let's get yeh all outta here." We nod and follow Hagrid out of the woods. Harry looks disturbed. I gently take his hand and squeeze it. He looks at me.

Everything's gonna be okay. I tell him.

You believe that?

I laughed bitterly in our heads. No.

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