Chapter 1

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Ariana's POV

"I will survive today as well!" Giving myself a pep talk in front of my washroom mirror I started my day.

"Hurry up Ria we'll be late!" Sara shouted from the kitchen. "I'm coming!" I said and put on my sneakers and wore my smile like always and came out of my safe bubble.(My room)

  My room is of medium size with light grey walls, with two huge windows with a view of the dense jungle behind the apartment building. A Queen-sized bed in the middle of the room with a book shelf and a mahogany table in the left corner and a couch that faces the windows.

"Let's go girl !" I said to her and run out  of the apartment.
Sara is my roommate in this new city, and country where I've just shifted. She is a very tall girl with a slim body with deep blue eyes and brown hair. I got admitted in the university she already goes to. Her major is psychology while mine is accounting. We became friends the first time we met each other in the office room of the college six months ago. She helped me with the house and as well as the part time job in the library.

  Oops where are my manners? I'm Ariana Kate Tyson. I'm Asian by birth but recently shifted in USA for my higher studies. I'm 21 years old. I'm majoring in Accounting in the University of California. (My dream college) I'm a brown girl with a small height of five foot, with long black hair and dark coffee colored eyes. I'm more of a curvy chick with some baby fat. I've also got a mole above my thin lips in the right side. Maybe the only good quality about me.

    We walked to the bus stop and started waiting for the bus. "Just chill you'll nail  it" Sara said to lighten my mood. Yes guys today's my first day in the university. "It's easy for you to say.... the head of student council whose loved by everyone" I huffed. "Oh just shut up these are nonsense! Just be the girl that you are and you'll make everyone love you!" " Yeah let's see".
We reached the college gate and I was profusely sweating out of nervousness. Don't get me wrong I can talk to new people and make friends but first days are always the bitter truth of life that states that I still have to study a lot!
So I took my schedule from the office and started looking for my first class. I've to four classes today. History then economics then accounting and last and not the least but the most horrible one maths!. "Chill Aria you'll be fine!" I muttered to myself.
I went to my class and got to last bench avoiding the questioning gazes thrown my way.
"Hey you! I haven't seen you earlier!" A good looking guy with blond hair and light brown eyes asked me. He got that  playboy aura around him. " Yeah, I'm a new student." I finished with a smile.
"Okay, I'm Mark by the way. What did you say your name was?" He said with an attitude. I grinned " Mark that's a nice name. And I'm Ariana Tyson and I didn't say my name earlier."

"You're quite the confident girl I must say, no one answers me back that way" he said amused. "Well, there's always a first time" I said with an innocent smile. "Let's hangout in the cafeteria after classes. What say?" "Sure!" I answered.
He took my schedule and checked my routine and smiled. "We've the same classes! Don't worry I'll be your guide throughout the day" He winked "Thanks! You're a nice guy without that typical playboy attitude by the way " I completed and he laughed. "But everyone likes that facade more" he muttered, "Don't worry I won't say that to anyone that the cliche bad boy has a soft corner" I whispered, he gave me a real smile and said "You're already my best friend Ria!"
  Maybe my first day will not be that bad.

We finished our class and he took me to the cafeteria and to a table filled with three more guys and a beautiful girl that almost looked like Mark.

"Hey guys! Meet Ria" he said; the girl questioned, "Your taste of the day? But she doesn't look like your type." "Nope, She's my new friend! I've just met her but she is just so adorable that I couldn't ignore you know" he exclaimed. "Sorry I didn't mean to offend you but my brother is not that decent of a person with girls, I'm Maria! This douchbag over here is my brother and the rest are these guys, Ted James and Rob!"

James is tall with brown hair and green eyes and Ted and Rob are identical twins with black hair and blue eyes with almost the same facial structure but Ted got a mole below his lower lip.
"Hi, my name's Ariana and nice to meet you all and Maria it's totally alright I totally understand that my guy cousins back home are not less!" I said with a teasing smile. They all laughed and James said' "You're funny!" "Thank you for the compliment I'm highly grateful" I said with a bow.  "I'm so happy to get a girl in this group, We'll be having so much fun!" She almost shouted with excitement, I smiled.

We had coffee and talked a few minutes and I got to know that they are all together since childhood and I also told my basic information. 

"Well let's meet up after college tomorrow for a movie, what say guys?" asked James. "That sounds like a plan. And we can pick Ria from her apartment" said Mark. "Sure peeps but after seven in the evening, tomorrow's a work day." I finished with a smile. "Great!" Said the twin in your sync.

First day of college was not that bad I thought to myself.


Hey guys! I am a new writer. So please bear with me. 😇😇😇

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