Becoming the Enemy

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"Such spirit and natural power. Just what I'd hoped for." My male pursuer is taking advantage of my immobility to touch my face, trailing a finger down my cheek. His gaze shifts over my head as everything begins to turn fuzzy.

My head lolls downwards until I can feel the stretch of muscles in the back of my neck. The ringing in my ears increases. I'm trying to compare how I'm feeling to something ordinary. All that comes to mind is when you suck a wedge of orange dry, leaving only the squished pulp and dimpled skin. There's a pressure on my chest, a pain that throbs. I fear soon the only thing keeping me upright will be the cold hands wrapped around my neck.

"Restraint, Athira."

Slowly the pressure at my neck eases and the draining lessens. Weakness remains but the throb in my chest subsides, along with the ringing.

"If you take another step, I'll let her finish the job."

The warning is loud. My eyes roll up. When the blur of colours come into focus, I see a living demon.

Skin crisscrossed with wounds, black hair splattered with crimson fluid, Slade is hardly human. But it's dark eyes lit with angry flames that command my attention. It's a wonder the male they're trained on doesn't incinerate on the spot. The gaze shifts to mine and I feel like stars are dancing across my skin. Blended in with fury are new emotions shining for me alone. Reassurance, affection... I want to go to him but my feet are leaden and won't respond.

The softer sparks fade as he breaks eye contact, leaving simmering rage as they fix on the male.

"Let her go, Corvus." Slade's words are all the more threatening for the quietness of them.

"I'm sure you don't want to see your mate drained and gutted in front of you, alpha." There's a sarcastic edge to the title. "Losing loved ones is not a habit you wish to perpetuate."

A hand leaves my throat only to be replaced with a knife at my jugular. In my side view, I see pale green eyes observing me, so glassy and cold I imagine them to be straight from an iceberg. My stomach clenches painful as memories of the forest exploding around me blank out reality. Then the smile curving blood-red lips pierces the images, bringing me back to the present with a sharp jolt.

"I told you we had plans for you, honey." It's a cloying whisper at my ear, her breath reminding me of a swamp as she mockingly kisses my cheek. "She's quite the sweet thing." This is louder, taunting. "I won't mind taking her under my wing."

Corvus smiles. Slade appears carved in stone.

"Yes. Athira is quite fond of your little mate. Quite eager to re-educate her." Pacing sideways then back again, smirking.

A burning gaze follows him.

"To think you tried to pass her off to the general as only a moon priestess." He tsk tsks and shakes his head. "Did you think he'd be so easily fooled, Slade? Or is that Alessandro? I can't quite keep up with the name changes."

"They're both my name." It's little more than a snarl.

Holding a palm out, Corvus shakes his head. "I don't care what you call yourself, you'll never be more than tainted blood. I'm only sorry the Dracul serum failed you. All it did was warp your mind, leaving you unable to make clear judgments..." His tone is carefully crafted to convey sympathy his expression lacks. "Your people deserve better than an unfit leader. You've spread your poisonous ideals and tainted the minds of other clans. But even that wasn't enough. You had to lead your own brother to his death." There's an almost imperceptible tightening of Slade's features. Corvus sneers as his verbal arrow hits the mark. "Your mate is too special to remain in your inept hands. Who knows what you'll do if she challenges you. I'm sure he never expected your treachery, that you would sabotage his hard work, then turn so savagely on him." Glancing to my green-eyed tormentor, a smug smile passing between them. "Under our tutorage, she will become more magnificent than you could ever dreaah..."

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