Arcane Threats

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So happy to bring you an update! More to come. 😘

"Arcane have got wind your mate is a trinal priestess. And they know about Katana." Trey's words are clipped, as if they taste sour on his tongue.

"What? Who?" I'm bouncing up and down on my tippy toes, trying to see past Slade's broad shoulders.

"You know this how?" There's an edge to Slade's tone— something turbulent and unstable— but there's also alarm.

I've never heard Slade alarmed before.

"Brandon left me a ways back in the forest. Told me to stay put or you'd send me back in pieces. I stumbled on them when I backtracked on a hunt. I overheard them talking."

"Who wants to take me where...? Oh, for god's sake." Getting tired of bobbing in place, I duck beneath Slade's arm braced on the door frame and find myself facing Trey and Brandon.

"Anyone who dares touch her will regret it." Slade's words rumble into my back, breath stirring my hair as an arm curves around my waist, halting my forward momentum. The sentence is loaded with meaning.

"I agree." Brandon's referring to Katana, of course. Then he eyes Slade... who I just know is glaring at Trey. "And you might want to sort this particular issue out later. There's bigger fish to fry right now than my idiot brother."

Trey looks over my head, taking care to stay a good few paces back as Slade's arm tightens around me. As both men maintain an uncomfortable silence, my eyes narrow.

I realise now might not be the time but I have something I just have to say on this issue.

"Slade, I would hope you're not being a hypocrite after recent events." Even though it's a statement, there's a questioning tone. "You would not allow me to hurt your friend for a similar violation. A kiss is just a kiss, right? Mistakes should be forgiven." I note Slade's stiffening while I stare at an evasive Trey. He's not getting away scot free, either. "And I would hope you don't make a habit of kissing unconscious women."

Trey's guilty look is almost comical. "I'm sorry for taking liberties. Blame my weakness for a beautiful face... not that it makes it okay. And I apologise to your mate."

Brandon huffs, interrupting with a hand held up. "Like I said, sort this out later." Glancing from Trey to Slade. "I thought it might have just been council members lurking around, which is bad enough. We hadn't sighted them, just the tracks. They've been in the forest for a couple of days. Not sure whether they were waiting for your return or meeting with someone else. But if Trey says it's Arcane, then we have a big problem."

My frown deepens. "Will somebody please tell me what's going on?" Raising my voice as anxiety raises my pulse rate.

Slade tightens his hold to press me close, lips at the side of my head as he murmurs. "The order of priests... self-named Arcane Order... they're intending to take you."

I shift in his hold, head turning back and up as I ask, "Priests? From the temples my parents talked about?"

Dark eyes stare solemnly back. "Yes. But they're not like normal priests in a regular church." There's a warning in his tone and it raises hairs on the back of my neck. "They're descendants of alpha-ranked so-called holy men. Their ancestors took an oath to seek out powerful females and teach them how to control and harness their abilities. They were corrupted... joined league with the council. They benefit from being supplied malleable females to utilise. In turn, having them bound to Council enables the Arcane Order to maintain control of some very powerful women."

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