Red and Black Rainbows

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There's no fairytale bliss to greet my restored vision.

Red and black; black and red...

Only hellish colours saturate my world, appearing to have drained the pretty from the place. They so completely dominate the landscape I expect to look skywards and see a rainbow made up of only those hues.

No dancing rays of sunshine lighten the mood of the macabre scene. Instead, darkness creeps steadily into the edges of my vision, spreading a silken cloak over the carnage and debris. Even the blackened branches stretching their gnarled fingers over our heads look weary of the desolation; no lush greenness bringing life or movement to their wooden forms.

The forest is depressed, awaiting rebirth and renewal. If I could, I would bring a flood of rain to wash the filth clean, to tempt the tiny shoots from their hiding place.

My head lolls against the chest of the one I want to rant and rave and scream at, my energy still too drained to fight. All I can do for the moment is collapse into his strength while my body regenerates. The lingering pain in my thigh draws a whimper from my throat. Fear uncurls like a new fern leaf at the sight of the dried blood on my thigh, my fingers... even ringing the mouth of the great beast carrying me.

The dark eyes burning into mine dissect me bit by bit and I have no way to hide my fear this time. He strips me bare, soothing, "Shhh... It's okay."

Okay...? No. It is definitely not okay. What he did to me will never be okay. I allow myself to slip back into unconsciousness, hoping when I wake the whole ordeal will have been a bad dream.

The murderer carrying me cradles me even closer, his high functioning brain assessing his surroundings, calculating the safest and fastest route. He needs a safe place to let me rest, because when I wake, another battle will begin.

And this one will be with me.


I crack my eyes open. I'm lying on a bed of straw. It's not comfortable in the slightest, but it keeps me off the dirt floor.

"Without her permission? She won't be happy..."

"That's an understatement. Ever heard of a woman scorned? You're toast, man."

The voices trail off as my eyelids flutter wider, a timber wall greeting my blurry gaze. I take a moment to adjust to the low light, then turn on my side, noting my thigh no longer hurts. My throat, however, feels like it's on fire and my head throbs.

"How do you feel?"

My tormentor along with four other sets of eyes are peering at me. Rick, Jake, Aaron... and a stranger. Riley seems to be the only one missing from the rat pack.

Too much testosterone leaves a foul taste in my mouth. A furry feeling on my tongue...

"We haven't met before." The stranger steps forward. He's just as built and rough-looking as the rest of the group. I think I recognise him from last night. "I'm Ethan. It's nice to meet you, R..." glancing quickly at Slade, "Mikaela."

I stare back, unimpressed. Great. Another beast of a male. The brightness of his gaze hides a sorrowful droop to the corners, the lines streaking out from the edges a mark of sadness, not laughter. I guess we're all suffering our own pain.

"Nice to meet you." I respond as my manners and vocal chords finally kick in. Something prickles on my side and I scratch absently at it. Ow...!

"Well, I think the two of you might need some time to yourselves..." Rick starts backing towards the door, speeding up as I frown, pulling at my shirt to see what stings so badly. "Coming, Ethan?"

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