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Welcome back lovely readers! I hope you enjoy my update :D

**You are confined only by the walls you build yourself.**

The breath leaves my lungs in a rush as light encircles darkness. A devil is looming over me, eyes blacker than a moonless night boring into mine, stripping away the layers of my tenuous composure.

Fear prickles its way down my spine.

I really, really want this to be some twisted nightmare. But, if it was, then I wouldn't be lying here, staring into the inky gaze of my captor, would I? No. I'd be running at a snails pace, gripping blades of grass as I try to pull myself along in the pathetic way you tend to do in a nightmare.

What's he going to do to me? Do I want to know?

An intense feeling of suffocation begins to crush me. Why aren't my parents fighting for me? I don't understand what's going on. All I know is I need to get out of here. If I just play along a little, I can work out the best way to escape... The bathroom! "I really need to use the toilet. Please." I can't keep the nervous quaver out of my voice.

He seems to be trying to see inside my head as he stares at me. The smirk that curves his cheeks is suspicious, but he rolls off. "Since you ask so nicely." He stretches, the muscles in his back drawing my eyes as they ripple and flex in a purely masculine dance. He walks ahead of me and pushes open a door. "I'll be waiting for you."

I hurriedly step through, flattening my body against one edge of the doorframe in a vain attempt to avoid brushing his body- he simply moves slightly and my back glides across a bare, hairy chest. Butterflies awaken in tummy. Evil butterflies! Not meeting shrewd eyes, I grab the door in a desperate movement, prompting him to step back to avoid being clipped by the swinging wood. There's an amused chuckle on the other side.

Looking around, I quickly spot my target. Hiking up my dress, I quietly climb onto the sink cabinet and kneel to check out the window. To my disgust, it's way too small to squeeze through. Way too small! I think they were going for a Guinness World Record when they made it! And it's bolted down.

Damn! Escape plan number one is a bust. I make the decision to be strong and smart. I'll figure this all out. I just need time. If anyone thinks I'm just going to bow down and obey mindlessly, then they're very misguided. But I'm not going to let Alessandro know just how determined I am. Let him think I'm a silly little girl. I might just surprise him... I hope!

After stalling for as long as I can, I start to pull the door open. It's ripped from my hands and I'm flying through the air, my startled gasp smothered by a warm mouth as soon as my back hits the bed.

I try to push him away, but he holds my face still as his weight crushes me into the bed. He ravages my mouth, catching my squeaks of protest as his tongue thrusts past my resisting lips without mercy, stroking, dominating, tasting my sweetness. I close my eyes, the kiss goes on and on until my head is spinning. He tastes like an intoxicating mix of alcohol and sugar, sweet yet sharp. Heat pools in my lower stomach against my will.

After a few minutes, he eases back, nibbling on my bottom lip, sucking it into his mouth. Soft, wet lips brush against my swollen ones, back and forth. "Never lie to me, Mikaela. I will punish you. Do you want that?" The look in his eye, it isn't annoyance, but rather pure, gleeful anticipation.

Holy butterscotch! "N-No," I squeak as my stomach flip-flops. I'm trying to be brave, but I'm still out of my depth and scared out of my mind.

"Hmm... I'll enjoy it." He nuzzles my neck, licking the skin and sucking gently. "Come on. We have a long day ahead." He draws me up and pushes me towards the bathroom again, drawing a startled gasp from me as he slaps me on my butt. "I'll be waiting out here. You have twenty minutes before I come for you." With that, he places a towel on the bench and strides from the room, closing the door behind him.

Bonded in Darkness(18+)*Slow Updates*Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora