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You are not weak just because your heart is so heavy.

I slowly open my weighted eyelids and look around in surprise at the inside of a huge tent. Sitting up quickly, I feel very relieved to see I'm completely alone.

My momentary calm evaporates when I realise I'm no longer wearing my dress, but another strange type of floaty, white wrap-around dress. I have panties on, but no bra. The material feels silky under my fingers and to my mortification, I can just see the pink of my areolas peeping through the rather sheer material. My parents would have a heart attack if they saw me in this... thing. But then, they haven't lifted a finger to save me.

Why? It hurts, cuts deep, to think they would allow this.

Who the heck changed me? That beast of a man? Oh, my god! What if it was him and he saw my naked body... what would he do next? My chest feels tight at the thought and adrenaline surges through me.

Wasting no time, I leap to my now bare feet and peep out of the tent. Two huge guards stand either side of the tent door. I duck back, my heart racing and listen for a minute. Everything is silent. I don't think they heard me.

For the next few minutes, I comb the edges of the tent, looking for another opening, but everything seems sealed. Getting desperate now, I spy a rather sharp looking rock at the edge of the doorway. I very stealthily reach out the opening and gently pull the rock into my palm.

Going to the very back of the canvas tent, I manage to rip a decent slash in the material, the whole time holding my breath lest someone hear me. Success!

After checking the coast is clear, I shimmy out the hole and look around for an escape route. I can see quite a few tents littering the area and a line of vegetation close by.

A staccato of short, loud bangs fills the silence. What was that? Gunfire?! That's not a good sign. In fact, it's bad. Very, very bad.

Just where I am? I want to go home. I still don't understand why this is happening.

Deciding the thick forest looks the safest, I bend low and run for its cover. I soon find it isn't more than an overgrown parkland and I come to the other side of it very quickly.

In front of me is an abandoned street, littered with broken down cars and damaged buildings. It looks like a war had been raged here.

An almighty explosion close by shakes the ground and I throw myself into the dirt as the air fills with smoke and debris. Sharp pain flares in my side but I pay it no mind. What's a bruise when you're running for your life, after all. It's incentive, that what is!

As I peer through the smoky haze, I desperately look for any sign of movement, The ground suddenly vibrates with the stomp of heavy footsteps.

I search around frantically for a place to hide, and spot an abandoned car metres from me. Quick as a flash, I scramble towards it and dive underneath. Frozen on my stomach in the dirt, smoke clinging to my lungs & stinging my eyes, I try not to make a sound.

The footsteps grow closer. Anxiety courses through my body and I quickly go through my options.

Do I stay here and pray I'm not found, or make a run for it? The empty buildings may give me an opportunity to lose them.

I can hear low murmuring coming from the group as they stop not far from me. Their black boots turn to face me. My breath hitches as somebody stalks closer to the car that's providing my dubious shelter. I can only stare at the approaching boots in terror, not sure if my body will even respond to a command to move now.

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