Day 24: Leather | Lapdances | Shower/Bath

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Steve had never felt so many emotions at one time. Anger and hatred, fear and panic. He wanted to punch something but he also wanted to cry his heart out. He paced the hospital waiting room again, tugging at his hair. He had tried sitting but his legs jiggled too much and he couldn't be still.

"Steve!" Nancy called out as she and Jonathan entered the hospital. "Are you okay? Are you hurt?"

"I feel like I'm going to explode." Steve muttered in response. Nancy pulled him down into a seat and Jonathan sat on his other side.

"What happened?" Jonathan asked softly.

"Billy-." Steve started, his mind still rushing. "The general manager at his job is a perv, he's been harassing Billy at work. They have this- this stupid employee party so we went. I knew something was wrong, I knew it. He didn't look okay, I should have taken him home."

"Steve." Nancy interrupted firmly. "Calm down. What happened?" Steve took in a deep breath, held it in for a moment, and then let it out slowly.

"His coworker Maddie heard David yelling at him and I heard Billy shouting my name. I- that fucking bastard had his hand down Billy's pants. Fuck- Billy looked liked he couldn't even move, he was just slumped there. He almost fell over when we got David away from him. He was so out of it." Steve explained, head in his hands. "I swear to God if I get my hands on that piece of shit excuse of a man..."

"Steve Harrington, you listen to me." Nancy started. "Don't you do anything stupid, Billy needs you. You are going to report this and you're going to let the officers on the case handle that fucker. Do you understand me?" Steve nodded, he knew she was right. "It'll be okay. They'll interview all his coworkers, you and Billy, plus there will be videotapes from his job if he was physically harassing him. He's not getting away with this. I'll make sure of it." Steve nodded and the three sat in silence, waiting to get some news.

"Mr. Harrington?" A doctor called as she entered the waiting room after what felt like an eternity.

"Yes?" Steve replied as he stood to talk to her.

"Mr. Hargrove retained no physical injuries however his tox screen did show signs of high doses of Gamma-hydroxybutyric acid, or GHB, and Rohypnol which is also known as Roofies. They're both known as Date Rape Drugs and his CT Scan also showed signs of a concussion so we'd like to keep him overnight possibly even for another day to monitor him." She explained. "If you'd like I can show you to his room now." Steve turned to his best friends who nodded in reassurance.

"I'll make sure the officers come by tomorrow." Nancy offered as she hugged him tight.

"Call us if you need us." Jonathan added as he hugged Steve too. Steve gave another nod, thanked them for coming, and then followed the doctor back to Billy's room.

Hospital chairs are probably the most uncomfortable thing to ever exist. Steve was sure of this but as he woke the next morning he found there was a hand running through his hair and occasionally rubbing at his neck. It was soothing and made sleeping in the hellish chair all night worth it. He let his head rise from Billy's legs and blinked blearily up at his boyfriend.

"Hey Stevie." Billy greeted with a small smile. "Sleep well?"

"Yeah." Steve answered, he leaned over to kiss Billy lightly. "Did you? How do you feel?"

"Kind of when the clothes you're wearing get soaked." Billy answered. "Could have been worse."

"Yes but that doesn't automatically make what did happen okay." Steve responded. "I called my dad, he gave me the information to some really good lawyers."

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