Entry #9: Diana's Side

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I wake up in my bed... when the white got pain overwhelms me once again. I squirm around because of the discomfort. "Aaaahhh. Owwwww. Owowowow." I whisper.

"Diana. The bullet went through your shoulder. It's not inside your shoulder, so that's reassuring. And the wound is not bleeding that much." Tony takes a swing of his flask full of whiskey and Leon eyes it. "Can I borrow your flask?"

"Yeah su-sure." Tony tosses it to Leon, he opens it and pours it on my wound without any warning.

"Hmmmmm... thanks for the heads up." I close my eyes and try to not focus on the stinging and throbbing. Honestly... I thought a bullet wound would hurt more. I'd give it a... 4/10 on the pain scale. However, it was totally different when it actually happened. All I felt was the warmth of the metal that struck my shoulder. Moments after, it started to cool down, almost to an icy feeling. I didn't know what was happening, but everyone was running out of the commons like a group of maniacs.

I don't necessarily like blood. I hate it, in fact. So, when I spotted the blood rolling down my arm, I passed out.

I open my eyes to see Leon topless. "Whoa! Where's your shirt?" I wonder.

"I didn't want to use any of your clothes to wrap your shoulder in, so I used my shirt." Leon says with pride.

Tony hears a knock on the door and opens it to see Spencer.

"Diana... where's your phone?" Spencer immediately asks.

"Um. I think it might be in my back pocket." I try to roll onto my good shoulder to take my phone out of my right pocket. "Aww! It's cracked! Darn it! Mom's going to kill me!" As soon as I said that, Spencer's head snapped up and looked at me with grief.

He's acting so weird.

I hand my phone to Spencer.

"Password?" He raises an eyebrow.

"Oh! 1776!" He unlocks it and taps on Mail. He clicks on an email that I haven't read yet. "Who is it from?" I cautiously ask.

"...your mother." Spencer hands the phone back to me and I read,

Dear Diana Fox, my daughter,

I know you are at school right now and I know you don't check your email a lot. I'm sorry that I lied about the school and kept it from you, but I couldn't stop your dreams of becoming a dancer. So I sent you to this school, and I just assumed that you would get into only day classes and that's my fault. I paid them extra not to give you night classes, but I guess that wasn't enough. Listen, Diana, the Headmaster... is not who you think he is. He is your... father. I'm not asking for your forgiveness. I'm asking you to be careful. I have hid you from him this long. Soon I'll have to go... for good. I hope you know that you'll never be alone. Your father has 2 sons that he had with... someone else. Tony and Leon Junior. Confide in them and your friends, but know who your real friends are. Always keep one eye open and never go anywhere alone. You are not a mistake to me, but you are a mistake to him. And he'll do anything to fix that mistake. I love you, Diana. So much.
                                    -Gloria Fox, your mother

I didn't notice I was crying until I finished reading the email. I looked up to my mother. She was so strong when my father left. I always admired her spunkiness and honesty. Her confidence slowly rubbed of on me as the years went on. She helped me become the woman I am today. I am not a mistake. The fact that the Headmaster tried to kill me, his own daughter, was a big mistake.

Then I slowly realize that if I'm the Headmaster's daughter, then I'm related to Leon Jr and Tony...

"Diana. I'm so sorry! I found the Headmaster in an alleyway. I didn't kill him. I should've." Spencer burst out in tears.

I sniff and wipe my eyes. "Really, Spencer? I should be the one bawling my eyes out!"

"S-so what hap-happened?" Tony looks between me and an emotional Spencer. I give Leon and Tony the rundown of what was in the email.

"Let me get this straight... You're literally my sister from a ano-another mother?" Tony implies.

"Yes. Half-siblings."

Tony's mouth hangs open. "We don't ev-even have the same hair color?!?" Leon hits the back of Tony's head with the palm of his hand.

"You don't have to have the same hair color to be related, stupid!"

"You're calling me stupid? What about the time that you actu-actually thought that Diana was cute? I believe your exact words were: 'I'd hit that!'"

"That's it!" Leon tackles Tony and they start wrestling on the ground.

"Both of you! Up! Now!" Spencer demands.

The silence fills the room when all four of us realize that this... this is serious.

"So... what about my dad?" Leon rubs the back of his neck. "Is he really the bad guy?"

"I'm afraid so. I- uh, I'm sorry." Spencer looks onto the floor and rocks back and forth on his toes. "When the Headmaster made an escape, I ran into the coffee shop next to me... It had a security camera on the side of the building. Caught the Headmaster's face. It got everything- from him shooting Diana to him fleeing. You just gotta give me the okay to send it to the authorities." Spencer takes a flash drive out his pocket.

"Spencer..." My eyes widen and I feel my eyes getting moist.

"You kn-know if you give the video clips to the authorities then you'll get thro-thrown in jail too bec- because you shot him!" Tony yells at Spencer.

"Don't worry about me!" Spencer grabs Tony by the collar. "You know I don't want to go to jail! You know that! That's why you guys have to make the decision." Spencer point at us.

-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-: End of Entry :-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-

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