Entry #6: Spencer's Side

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I come out of homeroom with mobs of people and I race to the elevator. After 6th period, the elevators are packed. I've been here long enough to know that. I'm the first one to the elevator and I press the 3 button.

Based on how this year has started, it's definitely going to be special. A teacher is passing out a slip of paper at the entrance of the elevator. The Dawn of the First Day of School. This has been an Edgewater tradition for 22 years. It features all of the gang inductions for this year. Whether the leader's retiring and you're up next or the leader kicked the bucket and...uh...well...you're up next. I've gone for all 3 years. It's getting kind of boring. But this is the year when I'm going to get inducted. It would suspicious if I didn't come to my own induction.

As I'm looking at the flyer, I brutally bump into a tall guy with long brown hair.


"Hey watch where you're-" He stops. "Spen-Spencer. Hey."

"Hey, Leon."

"We need to talk. Now. We haven't talked since-"

"The breakup. I know Lee."

I walk past him but he chases after me. "Spencer!"

"We do this everyday. This dance of emotions! It's over! I'm over it!" Leon grabs my hand and turns me around.

"I want you! I've always wanted you! But you don't trust! You can't trust! I don't care though. That breakup was the one of the worst ones I've ever went through! I took a risk with you. You were my first boyfriend. And I want you to be my boyfriend 'til the end of the line."

"Well, we don't get everything we want, now do we?" I walk to my dorm, and open the door. Leon starts to walk away. "Today. 10pm. Courtyard." I yell. He holds up a thumbs up and I scoff.

To make a long story short: In Sophomore year, I came out as pansexual. It was pretty hard. I lost half of my friends and followers on Instakilogram. On the flip side, it did bring out my true friends and people that really care about me. Once I started getting more confident in myself, people started to approach me like the king I once was. That sounded conceited.

But that's when Leon Russel Jr came along. I knew he was off-limits because he's the principal's son. But he was funny. He was hot. He was understanding. He had good style. He was almost technically perfect. If it wasn't who he was related to (his dad, Leon Sr) then he would be perfect. Lee only talked to me once and that was enough for me to fall in love with him.

But have you heard the term,

falling out of love?

It's probably the worst feeling in the world. Knowing that the person you loved is the now the person you like. Lee started going out partying and drinking every single night. At least since we started dating. I just wanted him to be right beside me. On the couch. Watching Black's Anatomy. I pictured a life with him. He had other plans.

I guess I was too harsh when telling him that this relationship is not working. I didn't tell him that I wanted him to be close to me. I just told him that I wanted to breakup with him because I didn't love him anymore. And that's the truth. But not the whole truth. It could be said that this relationship could've worked if I had just told him I wanted him to take this seriously.

I don't want a fucking hoe to rule Oslo Panic by my side, I want Leon Russel Jr to stand right next to me when I get inducted tonight. Yet, our relationship is gonna take more than 2 hours to fix.

Jesus, I'm so tired...

I plop on my bed, grab my Windpods, stuff them in my ear and listen to classical music as I drift off to sleep.


I wake up to Tony shaking me vigorously.

"Oh gAwD he's d e a d ! Right before his induction!" Tony yells as he continues to shake me.

"Tony! I'm not dead! And I'm certainly not gonna miss induction." I growl. "What time is it?"

"It's 7:50pm! You have to be in the courtyard by 8pm!"

I widen my eyes. "How do I manage to be late to everything today?" I take my white dress shirt out of my closet. Along with my black suspenders, dress pants, and - you get the idea.

In under 8 minutes, I put all of my articles of clothing on and jog to the courtyard.

"Where have you been? We've been looking all over for you." The principal hisses.

"Well, you should've looked in the place where I'd most likely be. In the comfort of my own bed." I strike back.

"Well he's here now, dad." Tony says behind me with a scowl.

I look out in the crowd of people that came to see the "inductionees" Then I see those warming green eyes. Diana. She smiles and waves to me. I wave back.

"Hello! You can find your seats now and we'll get started!" Leon Sr says with a snarl.

-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-: End of Entry :-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-

Whose side are you on: Spencer's or Leon's?

Next week, I will be releasing the character designs for all characters!! So stay tuned!

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