Entry #5: Diana's Side

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That's so embarrassing! I had to be carried by the King of Edgewater to my dorm while I was unconscious. Wow, I really hate myself right now. However, how did I fall for what my mom said? She lied to me. To my face! She said that this was a fine arts academy, no questions asked. And I believed her.

I get up from my bed and wobble to the bathroom. A bruise starts to form on the side of my forehead. "Nnghhh..." That's a noice way of starting the year!

I walk out of the dorm and decide, "I'm gonna take a tour of the school because this place is huge and I didn't get a tour in the first place." I take the elevator down to the courtyard level and walk towards the big clock tower in the middle. "12:34?" It reads. Wait, 12:34pm already passed and it can't be am because it would be dark by now.

"It's been stuck like that for 8 years." I whip my head around to see a tall guy with luscious brown hair and piercing green eyes. He's probably an islander of some sort. Hawaiian perhaps? "What are you doing out of class?" He asked.

I quickly take out my schedule from my pocket and unravel it fast, ripping it in the process.
"Shit!" I mumble, "Um...I should be in homeroom right now..."

I look to the floor and immediately snap my head back up when I hear the school bell echo through the buildings. "Not anymore. I'm Leon Russel. I'm a senior." He extends  his hand so I can shake it and I do.

"I'm Diana Fox! I'm a junior." I think I'm going to say it... he's better looking than Spencer!

"Wait, if you're a senior...shouldn't have you been in class?"

"You caught me there! I can't deal with this place anymore! It's so... annoying."

He takes out a Marlboro pack and takes two cigarettes out. He hands me one but I decline. Leon slowly removes my hair from my face and put a cig behind my ear. I scoff and reach for the cigarette to take it out.

"It looks good on you... you should keep it there." He says. I pull out my schedule and look at what class I have next. Weapon Training... right. I look at all the assistant principals names and I see the Headmasters name.

Leon Russel Sr.

Before I could get even a word out he opens his mouth. "Yes... I am the Headmasters son. The oldest one at least," He takes out a lighter and holds the flame to the cigarette. "I have an younger brother named Tony, he's a junior. Are you new here? It seems like you never seen me before, let alone, this school."

I nod. He grabs my hand and leads me to building one. "We are going where exactly?"

"I'm taking you on a tour of the school! I know these idiotic people don't do tours but I'm a nice person."

We go through all of the buildings and he points out all of the special buildings and the out-of-order vending machines. "If you put a $1 bill into this vending machine and type in the number 69, it comes out with every single item! I was the one that reprogrammed it." Leon says with a smirk.

"Of course you were." I said.


"So that's the whole entire school in the eyes of Leon Russel Jr."

"Well thanks Leon, I appreciate it!" I say with a smile.

Leon stares at me for a while and narrows his eyes. "You have night classes, don't you?"

"Yeah... I do... I just found out today that I'm the product of a gang leader. And I'm so," I grit my teeth,


I look at his perfect face and he's lost in thought.

"Hmm...are you going to drop out of the night classes?"

"I'm not sure. I thought I wanted to but I also kind of made a pact with myself to find my father because he went to this school. Now I have one more clue that will lead me to him: he's a gang leader. Yay."

He chuckles. "Well. If anyone knows things about past students, it's the Headmaster. But, if anyone knows everything about past students, it's the Headmaster's oldest son: me. I'll help. It's the least I can do after listening to my problems during the tour. And also, I thank you for hanging out with a complete stranger. I needed to get away from my idiot friends for a while." He smiles.

"Thanks, Leon!" I hug him quick and turn around to go back from my dorm.

At least a got a tour.

He is so cute! Like cute-hot. Hot-cute? I don't know, but I do know that if I don't stop thinking about him, I might fall for him.

And that's okay.

I open my dorm
door and flop on my bed. Something falls from my ear and I realize I never took the cigarette down.

I see writing on the side of it and it says, "813-893-7612. Call me sometime." I smile and put it back behind my ear.

-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-: End of Entry :-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-

I'm so relieved! I am almost done with school and I'm about to go on Summer Break! That means I'll definitely focus more on posting and writing more!

No question this chapter!

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