Why is the Rum Gone?

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  I became conscious once more when I could smell burning. I pried my eyes open slowly and looked over to where the smell was coming from. What I saw was Elizabeth throwing barrels of rum into a huge fire. The next thing I knew there was a huge explosion and Elizabeth ducked behind a tree. She had burnt everything! What was she trying to achieve?

  I sat up and was greeted from a banging headache, obviously I had had far too much rum last night. But it was worth it, as I remembered how much fun I had with Jack, singing and dancing. I turned to Jack, two was snoring at still had his arm loosely around me. I shook his shoulder.

  "Jack!" I whispered yelled. Me grunted a little but didn't wake up. I shook his shoulder more vigorously and he began to stir.


  "Ugherh, what?" he mumbled, opening his eyes a little.

  Then his eyes snapped open after smelling the burning. He sat up quickly.

  "Hazel....wha?..?" he muttered.

  I helped him fully stand up and he nodded in thanks, running up to where Elizabeth was. I was angry at this point. She was going to shorten our lives.

  "No! Not good.... Stop...not good!" Jack yelled, making weird hand gestures.

  Elizabeth continued to feed the fire and I followed side to side with Jack.

  "Elizabeth! You burnt all the food! The shade!" I screamed, waking up to restrain.

  "The Rum!!!" Jack added.

  "Yes the rum is gone!" She confirmed, walking away and looking at the sea.

  "Why is the rum gone?" Jack cried in denial.

  "Elizabeth why did you do this?!"

  "One because it is a vile drink that turns even the most respectable men and women into complete scoundrels, two? That signal is over a thousand feet high, the entire royal navy is out looking for us Hazel, you think that there is even the slightest chance that they won't see it?!"

  I was taken aback, Jack gave a look of disgust.

  "But why is the rum gone!?" Jack cried, holding his hands in front of his face.

  "Hang on a minute!" I said through gritted teeth.

  "You've purposely attracted the royal navy? Without giving any hope to signal a passing ship?" I yelled, anger radiating off me.

  "Of course! I don't know about you but I would like to go back to Port Royal before starving thank you! I have missed Father and it's obvious you haven't! After all I've been through this past week I just want to be back home!"

  "No Elizabeth! No I don't want to go back to Port Royal! I don't want to marry Norrington! I want more in life Elizabeth! More than Port Royal can offer! Something Jack can! Freedom!" I cried in anger. I couldn't believe she hadn't consulted me before doing this.

  "You believe that Jack Sparrow would take you across the oceans? I heard it all last night, when you got drunk with him! Freedom? Yeah right Hazel, he probably just wants to use you, for you to be his wench or whatever," she shrugged, clearly not caring about my thoughts. Jack stepped forward. He pulled his gun from his belt and put it to Elizabeth's head. She gasped and I held his arm to  tell him not to shoot. I knew he wouldn't, he was saving that shot for one person and one person only, or that's at least what I overheard Gibbs say. He sighed and shoved it back in his place, his nose twitched in disgust of what Elizabeth had said.

  "Actually, I would never do that to your sister Elizabeth, I would take her across the oceans, and I most definitely would not USE her!" he explained, trying to keep the atmosphere somewhat cool.

   I scoffed at how selfish she was being.

  "You do realize that they won't rescue Will, they'll take us back to Port Royal and Jack...Jack" I trailed off into a whisper. Jack looked down at the floor. He would be hanged as soon as we got back. Elizabeth didn't show much remorse, merely bit the inside of her lip.

  "I'll be fine darlin', we'll find a way, and we can be free," he smiled solemnly. I nodded but knew that he was just saying it for my comfort.

  "Hazel....I'm sorry, if it means that much I'm sure we can somehow convince Father to let him go,"

  "You know that that would never happen Elizabeth, I can believe you'd do this, when we could've had a chance of getting on a ship, then me and Jack would take you back to Port Royal, and rescue Will, you know we'll never get a chance to save him now,"

  "You can convince Norrington, he'd do anything for you!" she cried.

  "No, no he wouldn't, not for nothing..." I whispered, turning away and leaving. Jack followed me and we left Elizabeth to dwell on her thoughts. I hoped she felt bad. I hoped she felt awful. No matter how much I tried, I couldn't hate her. If I was in her position, I may have done the same thing. She was my sister.

  I looked at Jack.

  "We'll be seeing white sails on the horizon within one hour, maybe two," I sighed. He nodded sadly.

  "There'll be no living with you after this," he mumbled, eyes fixed on the ground.

  "Jack I'll do anything to stop you from being hanged, I'll.. I'll marry Norrington, after everything that you've done for me I won't let you die, you're a good man, something Will and Elizabeth fail to realize,"

  "No!" he grabbed my hand and I gasped, not knowing what he was on about.


  "I'm not going to let you marry Norrington, not for me, I'll find a way to escape,"

  "Jack, that may be our only option," I sighed, looking behind him. I had spotted the Dauntless. Jack seemed to notice I was looking at something and turned around, we saw a boat coming to shore, and the Dauntless behind it.

  Me and Jack walked back over to Elizabeth, she looked at me sadly and tried to hold my hand, I snatched it away from her. She looked away sadly. The men in the boats had almost reached us. Jack put his boots back on and I made sure that I was presentable.

    When the boat got here, Gillette hopped out and ran to me and Elizabeth.

  "Miss Hazel, Miss Elizabeth, your father and the Commodore will be delighted to know you're safe, as for you, pirate...." he spat.

  "Bind him!" he ordered and a man ran over and tied his hands with rope.

  "Is that really necessary Gillette?" I sighed, knowing that I wasn't going to change the situation.

  "Absolutely!" he snarled, as he led us to the boat. I was forced to sit next to Elizabeth, but we wouldn't meet each others eyes. I was just worried about Jack and Will. If it came to it, then I would marry the Commodore to help them. They mattered more than me.

  We all climbed aboard the ship, straight away Father ran up to me and Elizabeth.

  "Oh thank goodness! Elizabeth.. Hazel, after you were both kidnapped, what happened? How did you escape?" he stuttered.

   This was going to be hard to explain. Especially if Father thought that Jack kidnapped me.

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