Master Gibbs

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We continued to walk on as if nothing happened. I didn't understand, it was very late at night yet busier than any place I had ever seen. I was following behind Jack, we were in a line, Jack, me and Will was behind me.

We walked onward into a dimly lit tavern. Jack took my hand leading me in. I looked at it in confusion but just ignored the feeling.

Maybe he just wanted to look out for me, and I should stop judging his every move, he was probably like this with all the girls he knew.

"Follow me," he ushered through the door.

I would be lying if I said that I didn't like the feeling of his hand in mine. What was wrong with me? This pirate that I had only met two days ago; I was starting to take a liking to him. This was a bad idea. Jack Sparrow would never be serious about anything. I should just quit while I'm ahead, or at least be cautious on his intentions.
Will followed suit and we came to a small secluded area in the tavern. Infront of us, a short man lay, he had a big grey beard growing and I recognised him right away. It was Me Gibbs.

Jack picked up a bucket full of water from the side of the room, where the pigs would drink from. He swung the bucket forward.
"Stand back love," he warned and I did so without delay. He emptied the contents of the bucket onto the man and he awoke with a start, gasping and rubbing his eyes in an attempt to rid them of the water.

"Curse ye for breathing ye slack jawed idiot!"

I snickered a little to myself as Gibbs sat up and pried his eyes open. At first he squinted and looked at me.
"Miss Swann?" he asked in a sort of disbelief.
"Hazel, please," I hated the formal stuff. My name is Hazel, not 'Miss Swann'.
"Hazel, Mothers' love Jack, ye know better than to wake a man while he's sleeping, ts' bad luck!"

Curse Gibbs and his superstition. In all the time that I had know him, he was always telling everyone that everything they did was 'bad luck'. It was funny sometimes, but annoying at others. Especially when it involved you.

"Ahh, well fortunately I know how to counter it, if the man who did the waking buys the man who was sleeping a drink, and the man who was sleeping drinks it, while listening to a proposition from the man who did the waking," Jack explained.


He's so brilliant, but unnecessarily confusing at times. As I processed what he had just said, Gibbs nodded, a smirk growing on his face.

"Aye, that'll about do it," Gibbs agreed, taking a hand that Jack had offered. Before I knew it, he was drenched once more in water, I looked behind me to see Will holding an empty bucket of water.

"BLAST I'M ALREADY AWAKE!" Gibbs yelled angrily.
"That was for the smell," Will explained.

Me and Jack looked at each other in confusion, he hadn't smelt that bad in my opinion. We both shrugged and Gibbs nodded in semi-agreement.

We all walked together back to the main part of the bar.

Gibbs took a seat at a table and Jack went to get two tankards. He had offered me one, but I kindly refused.

Me and Will were leaning against a pillar next to each other, waiting for Jack to come back.

When I saw him emerge from the crowd of drunken people. He was holding to tankards and was stumbling like his usual self. He stopped by us and made some weird facial expression with his eyebrows before opening his mouth to talk.

"Keep a sharp eye, and you William, keep a sharp eye on Hazel, wouldn't want her getting into any trouble, would we now love?" he warned.
"Don't worry Me Sparrow I'm sure I'll be fine," I grinned and he nodded, waking off to Gibbs.

"What was that about?" Will asked, observing the several fights taking place in the single tavern.
"I have no idea," I smiled to myself. Will shrugged it off, which I appreciated.

It felt as if it had been hours since Gibbs and Jack had began talking, I was getting bored to death so I began to listen into the conversation that they were having.

I knew that it was impolite to eavesdrop but I couldn't help myself, besides, it would be helpful to get an early brief on the plan.

"Let's just say that it's a matter of leverage," I heard Jack say.

What? What type of leverage.

"The boy?" Gibbs gasped.

What?! They were planning to use Will as leverage? No, this couldn't be right, this couldn't be the same Jack Sparrow that I had just started to take a liking to.

"That is the child of bootstrap Bill Turner, his only child," Jack explained.
That was it, I had heard enough, I sauntered off into one of the free rooms nearby. I left the door open in case anyone needed to find me.

"Hazel!" I heard Will shout. I couldn't be bothered talking to anyone. Jack was going to give up my best friend, possibly leading him to death, for what, a ship, my sister, that wouldn't make any sense at all. Had I got it wrong once more, does Jack Sparrow deserve a chance? I had only heard a snippet of the conversation, and maybe it was out of context. Either way I didn't feel like talking to him, so I just sat by myself.

Approximately half an hour later, I heard Jack start to shout at Will.

"Where is she!? I told you to keep an eye on her, she could be hurt!"

Acting like he cared, pathetic. If he cared for me then he wouldn't do that to Will.

"Calm down Jack, she's in there,"

And he pointed to the open door behind him. Jack turned around and looked at me, all trace and worry gone from his eyes, as if it were there in the first place.

"What are you doing in there? Ye gave me quite the fright,' he chuckled nervously with his gravelly voice. I shrugged, not in the mood. He tried to take my arm and lead me out but I pulled away from him.

"Is there a problem between us, Miss Swann?" he asked sincerely.
"We can talk about it some other time," I mumbled, following Gibbs who was now ahead.

"Course we can! Now, all I need is a crew and we'll be ready to set sail," he said enthusiastically as I rolled my eyes.

I let Jack go off and find a crew by himself, I would just wait until tomorrow came and wait at the assembly point near the ship. I could try and get a good night's sleep aswell, ready for the morning.

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