Making Way

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Will followed behind us as we went down the steps of the dauntless. Jack had a pistol in hand and me in his other, Will had one hand gripped around the handle of his sword.

"EVERYONE STAY CALM WE ARE TAKING OVER THE SHIP!" Jack shouted. The men, including Gillette, all turned around and looked at us, confused, Gillette looked worried at the sight of me.

"AYE, AVAST!" Will shouted and the whole crew began to laugh. Me and Jack both looked at Will strangely. I put on a face and began to act scared.

"Hazel! Are you alright?" he asked, worriedly, probably because he knew what the Commodore would do if I wasn't.

"Yes I'm fine, but I've been kidnapped by Sparrow," I wavered, trying to look desperate. Jack pulled me closer to him. I hated being in this close proximity, he smelt of rum, strongly, never the less, I acted scared not disgusted.

"Aye, and she'll sell for a bloody good price, fine lass this one," he grinned looking down at me. I shot him a sick look and looked back at the crew, who all looked like they had no idea what to do.

Gillette stepped forward confidently and stated.

"This ship can not be crewed by two men, you'll never make it out of the bay," he was rather smug about it.

Jack only smirked and took a small step forward.

"Son, I'm Captain, Jack, Sparrow, Savvy?" he said, cocking his pistol in his face.

The men all gulped as he began to threaten them and make them get into the long boat. Meanwhile, on the dauntless, Norrington was eyeing us. Gillette began to shout from the boats.

"COMMODORE! THEY'VE TAKEN THE SHIP! SPARROW AND TURNER HAVE TAKEN THE SHIP! AND SPARROW'S TAKEN HAZEL!" he bellowed. At this the Commodore looked at us through his telescope and sure enough, he saw Jack tying me up with some rope, on my Command. He snapped his telescope shut and boarded the Interceptor so that he could catch us.

Jack began ordering Will to man the ship and they began to work on the ropes.

Will ran up the stairs to me and Jack who were at the helm, my hands were in ropes.

"Here they come," Will spotted. Jack turned and looked at them, smirking as they began to sail their ship in our direction

When they got close enough, they fired their grapples at us, I could see Norrington worriedly searching for me.

Once the whole crew had boarded the dauntless, me, Will and Jack swung onto the Interceptor.

"Search every cabin, every hole down to the bilges!" I heard Norrington yell both worriedly and angrily. Will cut the ropes to the grapples connecting the two ships with a dagger and we were free. Some of the boarding planks fell with us as we glided away over the ocean.

The Commodore turned around in realisation of what had happened.

"Back to the Interceptor, NOW!" he ordered. I saw one man swing with the same rope I had used, but he failed miserably and fell in the water, popping up to surface several moments later.

Jack took the wheel and began to steer, he shouted back at the Dauntless,


"HAZEL!" he shouted at me. Men began to fire their guns at us, but Norrington called it off.

"Steady men hold your fire, you could hit Hazel!" he ordered and they all stood down. We were to far away to see or here them now, but they were no longer in pursuit, as the Interceptor was far faster than the Dauntless, and the Commodore would not do anything to put me in jeopardy.

Jack Sparrow's TreasureTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon