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It wasn't long before I heard a knock on my door.
"Yes!" I yelled and Will walked in, I looked at him and gave a small smile, not knowing if he had come to rant or just talk. He gave an awkward smile and stood at the door.
"May I come in?" he asked, looking at the ground.
I nodded and he came and sat down opposite me, with one hand in the other. His eyes shifting focus, showing nervousness or anxiety.
"I'm sorry Hazel, I should have listened to you and Jack," he apologized. I wasn't expect that, Will was almost as stubborn as me, which was stubborn alright.
"No, I get it Will, you were shocked,"I began, "I would be too, and I shouldn't have shouted at you like that earlier, I know that it was insensitive,"
"Well, it's all done now, and I have realized that my Father was still a good man, no matter whether he was pirate or not,"
"Yes, not all pirates are bad Will," I smiled. He shrugged, clearly still in some sort of state of denial.
"So are we okay? I don't want to argue with you Hazel,"
"Of course we're ok Will," I smiled as I hugged him. He chuckled heartily and smiled to himself. When I pulled away, I grinned.
"Thank you Will, you're the best friend that I could have wished for,"
"Hazel, you're an amazing person, you're very different to everyone else, even Elizabeth,"
"I think that I'm almost the complete opposite of Elizabeth, but I just hope she's alright, and isn't hurt," I whispered.
"Hey, Hazel, she'll be alright," he soothed, rubbing my back. I nodded and breathed in deep breaths.

"What were you saying to Jack earlier?"
"I was just talking, he was being comforting," I smiled at the memory.
"Jack Sparrow comforted you?" Will asked, surprised, probably suspicious too, knowing Will. As much as Will believed that Jack was a bad man, and was probably just trying to get into my pants, I believed otherwise, he had given me as of yet no reason not to trust him, and he was very interesting.
"Yes, you should give him a chance, he isn't as bad as you've perceived," I advised.
"Well, as long as we save Elizabeth it won't matter, we'll be back at Port Royal and living peacefully once more, forgetting any of this," Will smiled.

This isn't what I wanted though. I didn't want to be in Port Royal any longer, I hated it there. I loved my family but I wasn't doing what I wanted to do. I would have to marry Norrington, where I would live unhappily forever.
"I don't want to go back to Port Royal," I muttered. Will went wide eyed in surprise.
"Will I'm not happy there, it's not for me, I'm sorry,"

"Hey, Hazel, you know that I'll always be there for you, if you want to move away and live a new life somewhere else then I'll support you, no matter how much I would miss you" he smiled.
He took this the wrong way. I didn't want to move away I don't think, I didn't know what I wanted to do, but I knew that Port Royal was no longer the answer. I simply nodded, touched at his words, he really was such a supportive friend.
"Thank you Will," I smiled when I heard someone shout from outside.

"When you two are quite finished with your philosophy, we're at Tortuga!" he shouted.
Me and Will jumped up and walked outside.

Jack came to my side to which Will frowned in confusion.
"Remember what I told you yesterday, stay near me and do as I say," he warned. I rolled my eyes and nodded, sighing while getting off the ship, Jack helping me down. I began to feel as though he was watching my every move, I appreciated his concern, but as I said, I didn't need a baby sitter, I could handle myself perfectly fine.

As we continued to walk, I edged over to Wills' side a little.

When we got to the main part of Tortuga, there were people everywhere, all pretty much completely drunk, or at least half way there, I realised that Jacks' walk was very lopsided, and flouncy, it made me quietly chuckle to myself. When we were walking past a bunch of people, one almost bumped into Jack and he snatched a walking stick off him. I shook my head, how does this man get away with everything that he does, was it luck, or perhaps skill. I didn't know him particularly well but I was very intrigued by him.

"It is indeed a sad life that has never breathed deep this sweet, proliferous bouquet that is Tortuga , savvy? What do you think?" Jack asked the both of us.

"It'll linger," Will responded.

"Yes, seems quite alluring though," I admitted, Will looked at me confused and Jack simply grinned, looking at me for a short moment before focusing on the woman that was approaching. She had red hair and was wearing a rather extravagant polka dot dress.

"A ha, Scarlett" he exclaimed with a rather big smile on her face. She didn't say anything, only came closer.

To my utter surprise, she slapped Jack right across the face showing no remorse, with an angry expression plastered on her face. I stifled a laugh as much as I could, but still some of it escaped. Will looked at Jack with a knowing expression.

"Not sure I deserved that,"
"I'm sure you did Jack," I smirkee.

He glared at me and quickly turned around when he saw another woman coming closer. She was a more yellowish cream colored dress and looked even angrier, if that was possible. She had bright red lipstick smeared around her lips and dark eye liner coating her eyes.

"Who's this?" she said in a high pitched voice, gesturing to me. I widened my eyes, how did I come into this.

Jack spun his head around and frowned.

"Another wench?" she said disgusted. I gasped. How DARE she call me a wench. ESPECIALLY to Jack Sparrow! I stepped out from behind him and Will.

"How dare you!" I cursed, before slapping her just as the other woman had. That felt good, and just.

She narrowed her eyes and shoved me back, I fell into Jacks arms. I had really hurt and thank God Jack was there to catch me. She glared once more. Will unsheathed his sword and tapped her hand gently.

"Off with you, NOW," he yelled in my defence. I smiled at him and she turned on her heels and walked off. I fixed my hair and fully left Jacks' arms.

"You alrigh' love?" he asked. I rolled my eyes, as if he actually cared. I nodded and continued, as we were walking, he began to lecture me.

"Now Hazel, you can't just go round slapping people in Tortuga savvy? They'll slap you back, or worse,"

"Well it's a good thing that I have you to protect me," I sighed sarcastically and he took note of it, "Besides, it's not as if it was uncalled for, she called me a wench!"

"Aye, but out here everyone's a wench, it's not even an insult here, elsewhere maybe,"

"Well, i'm sorry, but that's not me,"

"I know Hazel but...."

"What does it matter? It's over isn't it? So can't we just move on? It didn't hurt!" I lied, it did hurt, but I didn't want to seem weak, and nobody needed to know that.

"Ok, just looking out for you," he muttered to himself, I wasn't intended to hear, but I did, and I felt bad for snapping at him.

"I'm sorry Jack," I smiled at him, and he nodded, continuing to walk.

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