Will Turner

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Will had turned the corner and was now standing in front of me. It took him a while to process the fact that I was there but after a moment of silence he ran up to me and hugged me tightly.

"Hazel, you're ok!" he smiled after he pulled away. He looked a little shaken and he had what looked to be a small cut in his right cheek.

"Of course I'm ok, why wouldn't I be?" I smiled, happy to see him. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Jack grimace at the scene in front of him, what was his problem?

"They took Elizabeth," Will whispered so that Jack couldn't hear.

"WHAT?!" I yelled.

"Shhh," he warned, putting a hand over my mouth. I nodded to let him know that I would be quiet and he slowly removed his hand.

"Who?" I asked. Now I was really worried. Maybe this wouldn't have happened if I had stayed at home yesterday.

"The pirates, where were you last night? They didn't take you, I feared the worst when I couldn't find you,"

I hugged him again. Will was the best friend that I could ever have, I didn't want to tell him where I had been that night because of sheer embarrassment. I was sat outside a cell with a pirate in it, while my sister was kidnapped and my best friend was probably fighting. I felt an overwhelming wave of guilt wash over me.

"I.. I was here," I stuttered.

"What? Why?" he seemed perplexed, I didn't blame him, if I was in his position then I would be too.

"I was talking to Jack,"

"He's a pirate!" Will exclaimed as I grew frustrated.

"I am tired of everyone telling me that I can't associate with who I want to, this man is not a bad man, he saved my life and I wouldn't be here without him!"

Will blinked a couple of times before sighing, he knew that I would get my own way in this argument , I always did.

Jack cleared his throat as if it was a way to remind us that he was present. Will turned back to Jack and exhaled, before beginning to talk to him.

"You, Sparrow!" Will addressed, angry that he had to associate with pirates. I knew that he had a deep hatred for them, I didn't understand why, but he would always practice sword fighting so that if he ever met a pirate he could kill it. To him they weren't even people, just animals.

"Ay?" Jack asked, lifting his head up momentarily.

"You are familiar with that ship the Black Pearl?" Will asked as more of a statement that question. Jack sighed and lay his head back down, closing his eyes once more, getting comfortable.

"I've 'eard of it," he replied lazily. I almost scoffed, if Jack Sparrow is any of the things that I've heard, he's in love with his ship, though I decided not to mention it in honour of his privacy; he may not want Will knowing anything about him.

"Where does it make berth?" Will interrogated.

Jack squinted at Will.

"Where does it make berth? 'ave ye not hear the stories?" he asked almost bewildered. He lay back down to explain.

"Captain Barbossa and his crew of miscreants sail for the dreaded Isla de Muerta," he said, mentioning the Captains name almost sarcastically.

"Its an Island that can not be found, except, by those who already know where it is," he continued. I noticed that as he spoke, he used strange hand gestures, it was quite amusing.

"The ships real enough, therefore its' anchorage must be a real place, where is it?!" Will asked belligerently.

"Will," I spoke softly in an attempt to calm him down. I put my hand on his shoulder and he breathed in deeply.

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